El dom, 16-06-2024 a las 18:39 -0500, David C. Rankin escribió:
>    github does something. I can pull over https and ssh still works
> there. It 
> may be worth opening an issue with git to see how they feel this
> catch 22 
> should be handled for locally hosted servers. If I find a fix, I'll
> report back.

GitHub uses custom software to give you that functionality. My advice
is to do the same. The best thing you can do (because it's the easiest)
is to put a Forgejo[1] to take care of the repositories. You launch it
with its own user and since the system will take care of https and ssh,
both protocols should work without problems.

Another option is to make it all belong to the http:http user/group by
making sure that the ~/.ssh directory (of the http user, by default
/srv/http/.ssh) and everything in it also belongs to that user and that
the ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file has permissions 600 (and has your
public key in it). Note that this forces you to move everything you
have from /srv/git to /srv/http and that when accessing via ssh you
will not do it with the git user (git@server:repo) but with the http
user (http@server:repo).


[1]: https://forgejo.org/

Óscar García Amor | ogarcia at moire.org | http://ogarcia.me

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