
On 2/10/23 05:48, Orlando Chamberlain wrote:
> Currently it manually flips the byte order, but we can instead use
> cpu_to_be32(val) for this.
> Signed-off-by: Orlando Chamberlain <orlandoch....@gmail.com>
> ---
>  drivers/platform/x86/apple-gmux.c | 18 ++----------------
>  1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-)
> diff --git a/drivers/platform/x86/apple-gmux.c 
> b/drivers/platform/x86/apple-gmux.c
> index 9333f82cfa8a..e8cb084cb81f 100644
> --- a/drivers/platform/x86/apple-gmux.c
> +++ b/drivers/platform/x86/apple-gmux.c
> @@ -94,13 +94,7 @@ static u32 gmux_pio_read32(struct apple_gmux_data 
> *gmux_data, int port)
>  static void gmux_pio_write32(struct apple_gmux_data *gmux_data, int port,
>                            u32 val)
>  {
> -     int i;
> -     u8 tmpval;
> -
> -     for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
> -             tmpval = (val >> (i * 8)) & 0xff;
> -             outb(tmpval, gmux_data->iostart + port + i);
> -     }
> +     outl(cpu_to_be32(val), gmux_data->iostart + port);
>  }
>  static int gmux_index_wait_ready(struct apple_gmux_data *gmux_data)

The ioport / indexed-ioport accessed apple_gmux-es likely are (part of?)
LPC bus devices . Looking at the bus level you are now changing 4 io
accesses with a size of 1 byte, to 1 32 bit io-access.

Depending on the decoding hw in the chip this may work fine,
or this may work not at all.

I realized that you have asked for more testing, but most surviving
macbooks from the older apple-gmux era appear to be models without
a discrete GPU (which are often the first thing to break) and thus
without a gmux.

Unless we get a bunch of testers to show up, which I doubt. I would
prefer slightly bigger / less pretty code and not change the functional
behavior of the driver on these older models.



> @@ -177,16 +171,8 @@ static u32 gmux_index_read32(struct apple_gmux_data 
> *gmux_data, int port)
>  static void gmux_index_write32(struct apple_gmux_data *gmux_data, int port,
>                              u32 val)
>  {
> -     int i;
> -     u8 tmpval;
> -
>       mutex_lock(&gmux_data->index_lock);
> -
> -     for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
> -             tmpval = (val >> (i * 8)) & 0xff;
> -             outb(tmpval, gmux_data->iostart + GMUX_PORT_VALUE + i);
> -     }
> -
> +     outl(cpu_to_be32(val), gmux_data->iostart + GMUX_PORT_VALUE);
>       gmux_index_wait_ready(gmux_data);
>       outb(port & 0xff, gmux_data->iostart + GMUX_PORT_WRITE);
>       gmux_index_wait_complete(gmux_data);

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