drm_sched_start() is not necessary called from the timeout handler.
If a soft recovery is sufficient, we just continue without a complete reset.
Am 09.05.19 um 12:25 schrieb Liu, Monk:
Check "drm_sched_start" which is invoked from gpu_recover() , there is a
"drm_sched_start_timeout()" in the tail
-----Original Message-----
From: Christian König <ckoenig.leichtzumer...@gmail.com>
Sent: Thursday, May 9, 2019 3:18 PM
To: Liu, Monk <monk....@amd.com>; amd-gfx@lists.freedesktop.org
Subject: Re: [PATCH] drm/sched: fix the duplicated TMO message for one IB
[CAUTION: External Email]
Am 09.05.19 um 06:31 schrieb Monk Liu:
we don't need duplicated IB's timeout error message reported
endlessly, just one report per timedout IB is enough
Well, NAK. We don't need multiple timeout reports, but we really need to
restart the timeout counter after handling it.
Otherwise we will never run into a timeout again after handling one and it
isn't unlikely that multiple IBs in a row doesn't work correctly.
Signed-off-by: Monk Liu <monk....@amd.com>
drivers/gpu/drm/scheduler/sched_main.c | 5 -----
1 file changed, 5 deletions(-)
diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/scheduler/sched_main.c
index c1aaf85..d6c17f1 100644
--- a/drivers/gpu/drm/scheduler/sched_main.c
+++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/scheduler/sched_main.c
@@ -308,7 +308,6 @@ static void drm_sched_job_timedout(struct work_struct *work)
struct drm_gpu_scheduler *sched;
struct drm_sched_job *job;
- unsigned long flags;
sched = container_of(work, struct drm_gpu_scheduler, work_tdr.work);
job = list_first_entry_or_null(&sched->ring_mirror_list,
@@ -316,10 +315,6 @@ static void drm_sched_job_timedout(struct
work_struct *work)
if (job)
- spin_lock_irqsave(&sched->job_list_lock, flags);
- drm_sched_start_timeout(sched);
- spin_unlock_irqrestore(&sched->job_list_lock, flags);
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