On 01/03/2019 11:20 AM, Grodzovsky, Andrey wrote:
> On 01/03/2019 03:54 AM, Koenig, Christian wrote:
>> Am 21.12.18 um 21:36 schrieb Grodzovsky, Andrey:
>>> On 12/21/2018 01:37 PM, Christian König wrote:
>>>> Am 20.12.18 um 20:23 schrieb Andrey Grodzovsky:
>>>>> Decauple sched threads stop and start and ring mirror
>>>>> list handling from the policy of what to do about the
>>>>> guilty jobs.
>>>>> When stoppping the sched thread and detaching sched fences
>>>>> from non signaled HW fenes wait for all signaled HW fences
>>>>> to complete before rerunning the jobs.
>>>>> v2: Fix resubmission of guilty job into HW after refactoring.
>>>>> v4:
>>>>> Full restart for all the jobs, not only from guilty ring.
>>>>> Extract karma increase into standalone function.
>>>>> v5:
>>>>> Rework waiting for signaled jobs without relying on the job
>>>>> struct itself as those might already be freed for non 'guilty'
>>>>> job's schedulers.
>>>>> Expose karma increase to drivers.
>>>>> Suggested-by: Christian Koenig <christian.koe...@amd.com>
>>>>> Signed-off-by: Andrey Grodzovsky <andrey.grodzov...@amd.com>
>>>>> ---
>>>>>      drivers/gpu/drm/amd/amdgpu/amdgpu_device.c |  18 +--
>>>>>      drivers/gpu/drm/etnaviv/etnaviv_sched.c    |  11 +-
>>>>>      drivers/gpu/drm/scheduler/sched_main.c     | 188
>>>>> +++++++++++++++++++----------
>>>>>      drivers/gpu/drm/v3d/v3d_sched.c            |  12 +-
>>>>>      include/drm/gpu_scheduler.h                |  10 +-
>>>>>      5 files changed, 151 insertions(+), 88 deletions(-)
>>>>> diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/amd/amdgpu/amdgpu_device.c
>>>>> b/drivers/gpu/drm/amd/amdgpu/amdgpu_device.c
>>>>> index 8a078f4..a4bd2d3 100644
>>>>> --- a/drivers/gpu/drm/amd/amdgpu/amdgpu_device.c
>>>>> +++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/amd/amdgpu/amdgpu_device.c
>>>>> @@ -3298,12 +3298,10 @@ static int
>>>>> amdgpu_device_pre_asic_reset(struct amdgpu_device *adev,
>>>>>              if (!ring || !ring->sched.thread)
>>>>>                  continue;
>>>>>      -        kthread_park(ring->sched.thread);
>>>>> +        drm_sched_stop(&ring->sched, job ? &job->base : NULL);
>>>>>      -        if (job && job->base.sched != &ring->sched)
>>>>> -            continue;
>>>>> -
>>>>> -        drm_sched_hw_job_reset(&ring->sched, job ? &job->base : NULL);
>>>>> +        if(job)
>>>>> +            drm_sched_increase_karma(&job->base);
>>>> Since we dropped the "job && job->base.sched != &ring->sched" check
>>>> above this will now increase the jobs karma multiple times.
>>>> Maybe just move that outside of the loop.
>>>>>                /* after all hw jobs are reset, hw fence is meaningless,
>>>>> so force_completion */
>>>>>              amdgpu_fence_driver_force_completion(ring);
>>>>> @@ -3454,14 +3452,10 @@ static void
>>>>> amdgpu_device_post_asic_reset(struct amdgpu_device *adev,
>>>>>              if (!ring || !ring->sched.thread)
>>>>>                  continue;
>>>>>      -        /* only need recovery sched of the given job's ring
>>>>> -         * or all rings (in the case @job is NULL)
>>>>> -         * after above amdgpu_reset accomplished
>>>>> -         */
>>>>> -        if ((!job || job->base.sched == &ring->sched) &&
>>>>> !adev->asic_reset_res)
>>>>> -            drm_sched_job_recovery(&ring->sched);
>>>>> +        if (!adev->asic_reset_res)
>>>>> +            drm_sched_resubmit_jobs(&ring->sched);
>>>>>      -        kthread_unpark(ring->sched.thread);
>>>>> +        drm_sched_start(&ring->sched, !adev->asic_reset_res);
>>>>>          }
>>>>>            if (!amdgpu_device_has_dc_support(adev)) {
>>>>> diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/etnaviv/etnaviv_sched.c
>>>>> b/drivers/gpu/drm/etnaviv/etnaviv_sched.c
>>>>> index 49a6763..6f1268f 100644
>>>>> --- a/drivers/gpu/drm/etnaviv/etnaviv_sched.c
>>>>> +++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/etnaviv/etnaviv_sched.c
>>>>> @@ -109,16 +109,19 @@ static void etnaviv_sched_timedout_job(struct
>>>>> drm_sched_job *sched_job)
>>>>>          }
>>>>>            /* block scheduler */
>>>>> -    kthread_park(gpu->sched.thread);
>>>>> -    drm_sched_hw_job_reset(&gpu->sched, sched_job);
>>>>> +    drm_sched_stop(&gpu->sched, sched_job);
>>>>> +
>>>>> +    if(sched_job)
>>>>> +        drm_sched_increase_karma(sched_job);
>>>>>            /* get the GPU back into the init state */
>>>>>          etnaviv_core_dump(gpu);
>>>>>          etnaviv_gpu_recover_hang(gpu);
>>>>>      +    drm_sched_resubmit_jobs(&gpu->sched);
>>>>> +
>>>>>          /* restart scheduler after GPU is usable again */
>>>>> -    drm_sched_job_recovery(&gpu->sched);
>>>>> -    kthread_unpark(gpu->sched.thread);
>>>>> +    drm_sched_start(&gpu->sched, true);
>>>>>      }
>>>>>        static void etnaviv_sched_free_job(struct drm_sched_job *sched_job)
>>>>> diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/scheduler/sched_main.c
>>>>> b/drivers/gpu/drm/scheduler/sched_main.c
>>>>> index dbb6906..b5c5bee 100644
>>>>> --- a/drivers/gpu/drm/scheduler/sched_main.c
>>>>> +++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/scheduler/sched_main.c
>>>>> @@ -60,8 +60,6 @@
>>>>>        static void drm_sched_process_job(struct dma_fence *f, struct
>>>>> dma_fence_cb *cb);
>>>>>      -static void drm_sched_expel_job_unlocked(struct drm_sched_job
>>>>> *s_job);
>>>>> -
>>>>>      /**
>>>>>       * drm_sched_rq_init - initialize a given run queue struct
>>>>>       *
>>>>> @@ -335,6 +333,42 @@ static void drm_sched_job_timedout(struct
>>>>> work_struct *work)
>>>>>          spin_unlock_irqrestore(&sched->job_list_lock, flags);
>>>>>      }
>>>> Kernel doc here would be nice to have.
>>>>> +void drm_sched_increase_karma(struct drm_sched_job *bad)
>>>>> +{
>>>>> +    int i;
>>>>> +    struct drm_sched_entity *tmp;
>>>>> +    struct drm_sched_entity *entity;
>>>>> +    struct drm_gpu_scheduler *sched = bad->sched;
>>>>> +
>>>>> +    /* don't increase @bad's karma if it's from KERNEL RQ,
>>>>> +     * because sometimes GPU hang would cause kernel jobs (like VM
>>>>> updating jobs)
>>>>> +     * corrupt but keep in mind that kernel jobs always considered
>>>>> good.
>>>>> +     */
>>>>> +    if (bad->s_priority != DRM_SCHED_PRIORITY_KERNEL) {
>>>>> +        atomic_inc(&bad->karma);
>>>>> +             i++) {
>>>>> +            struct drm_sched_rq *rq = &sched->sched_rq[i];
>>>>> +
>>>>> +            spin_lock(&rq->lock);
>>>>> +            list_for_each_entry_safe(entity, tmp, &rq->entities,
>>>>> list) {
>>>>> +                if (bad->s_fence->scheduled.context ==
>>>>> +                    entity->fence_context) {
>>>>> +                    if (atomic_read(&bad->karma) >
>>>>> +                        bad->sched->hang_limit)
>>>>> +                        if (entity->guilty)
>>>>> +                            atomic_set(entity->guilty, 1);
>>>>> +                    break;
>>>>> +                }
>>>>> +            }
>>>>> +            spin_unlock(&rq->lock);
>>>>> +            if (&entity->list != &rq->entities)
>>>>> +                break;
>>>>> +        }
>>>>> +    }
>>>>> +}
>>>>> +EXPORT_SYMBOL(drm_sched_increase_karma);
>>>>> +
>>>>>      /**
>>>>>       * drm_sched_hw_job_reset - stop the scheduler if it contains the
>>>>> bad job
>>>>>       *
>>>>> @@ -342,13 +376,22 @@ static void drm_sched_job_timedout(struct
>>>>> work_struct *work)
>>>>>       * @bad: bad scheduler job
>>>>>       *
>>>>>       */
>>>>> -void drm_sched_hw_job_reset(struct drm_gpu_scheduler *sched, struct
>>>>> drm_sched_job *bad)
>>>>> +void drm_sched_stop(struct drm_gpu_scheduler *sched, struct
>>>>> drm_sched_job *bad)
>>>>>      {
>>>>> -    struct drm_sched_job *s_job;
>>>>> -    struct drm_sched_entity *entity, *tmp;
>>>>> +    struct drm_sched_job *s_job, *last_job;
>>>>>          unsigned long flags;
>>>>> -    int i;
>>>>> +    struct dma_fence *wait_fence =  NULL;
>>>>> +    int r;
>>>>> +
>>>>> +    kthread_park(sched->thread);
>>>>>      +    /*
>>>>> +     * Verify all the signaled jobs in mirror list are removed from
>>>>> the ring
>>>>> +     * by waiting for their respective scheduler fences to signal.
>>>>> +     * Continually  repeat traversing the ring mirror list until no
>>>>> more signaled
>>>>> +     * fences are found
>>>>> +     */
>>>>> +retry_wait:
>>>>>          spin_lock_irqsave(&sched->job_list_lock, flags);
>>>>>          list_for_each_entry_reverse(s_job, &sched->ring_mirror_list,
>>>>> node) {
>>>>>              if (s_job->s_fence->parent &&
>>>>> @@ -357,35 +400,45 @@ void drm_sched_hw_job_reset(struct
>>>>> drm_gpu_scheduler *sched, struct drm_sched_jo
>>>>>                  dma_fence_put(s_job->s_fence->parent);
>>>>>                  s_job->s_fence->parent = NULL;
>>>>>                  atomic_dec(&sched->hw_rq_count);
>>>>> +        } else {
>>>>> +             wait_fence = dma_fence_get(&s_job->s_fence->finished);
>>>>> +             last_job = s_job;
>>>>> +             break;
>>>>>              }
>>>>>          }
>>>>> -    spin_unlock_irqrestore(&sched->job_list_lock, flags);
>>>>>      -    if (bad && bad->s_priority != DRM_SCHED_PRIORITY_KERNEL) {
>>>>> -        atomic_inc(&bad->karma);
>>>>> -        /* don't increase @bad's karma if it's from KERNEL RQ,
>>>>> -         * becuase sometimes GPU hang would cause kernel jobs (like
>>>>> VM updating jobs)
>>>>> -         * corrupt but keep in mind that kernel jobs always
>>>>> considered good.
>>>>> -         */
>>>>> -        for (i = DRM_SCHED_PRIORITY_MIN; i <
>>>>> -            struct drm_sched_rq *rq = &sched->sched_rq[i];
>>>>> +    /* No signaled jobs in the ring, its safe to proceed to ASIC
>>>>> reset */
>>>>> +    if (!wait_fence) {
>>>>> +        spin_unlock_irqrestore(&sched->job_list_lock, flags);
>>>>> +        goto done;
>>>>> +    }
>>>>>      -            spin_lock(&rq->lock);
>>>>> -            list_for_each_entry_safe(entity, tmp, &rq->entities,
>>>>> list) {
>>>>> -                if (bad->s_fence->scheduled.context ==
>>>>> entity->fence_context) {
>>>>> -                    if (atomic_read(&bad->karma) >
>>>>> bad->sched->hang_limit)
>>>>> -                        if (entity->guilty)
>>>>> -                            atomic_set(entity->guilty, 1);
>>>>> -                    break;
>>>>> -                }
>>>>> -            }
>>>>> -            spin_unlock(&rq->lock);
>>>>> -            if (&entity->list != &rq->entities)
>>>>> -                break;
>>>>> +    /* Restore removed cb since removing again already removed cb is
>>>>> undefined */
>>>>> +    list_for_each_entry_reverse(s_job, &sched->ring_mirror_list,
>>>>> node) {
>>>>> +        if(s_job == last_job)
>>>>> +            break;
>>>> Need to double check after the holidays, but you should be able to use
>>>> list_for_each_entry_continue here.
>>> I think it should work - kind of traversing back on all the jobs we just
>>> removed their callbacks.
>> Wrapping your head around stuff again after the holidays sometimes shows
>> new problems we have completely missed :)
>> Adding the callbacks again won't work because we have freed up our
>> reference to the hardware fence above:
>>>                  dma_fence_put(s_job->s_fence->parent);
>>>                  s_job->s_fence->parent = NULL;
>> We need to drop this or we would never be able to re-add the fences
> Yea, that a big miss on my side...
>> .
>> But I'm still not sure if we shouldn't rely on the correct order of
>> signaling and simplify this instead.
> As you said before, once we switched to signaling the parent from the
> interrupt context instead of scheduled work no danger of race there

Correction here - once we switched removing the job from mirror_ring  
list directly in interrupt context instead later from scheduled work


> , so
> what if we submit job A and after it job B and B completes before A
> (like the sync dependency test in libdrm amdgpu tests but without adding
> explicit dependency to the second command on the first) I believe that
> still in this case job B's parent (HW) fence will not be signaled before
> job A completes since EOP event is not signaled until the entire pipe
> completed and flushed it's cashes including job A. So from this seems to
> me that indeed it's enough to wait for the last inserted job's parent
> (HW) fence in ring mirror list to signal.
> Let me know what you think on that.
> P.S V5 is not the last iteration and there was V6 series.
> Andrey
>> Regards,
>> Christian.
>>> Andrey
>>>>> +
>>>>> +        if (s_job->s_fence->parent) {
>>>>> +            r = dma_fence_add_callback(s_job->s_fence->parent,
>>>>> +                           &s_job->s_fence->cb,
>>>>> +                           drm_sched_process_job);
>>>>> +            if (r)
>>>>> +                DRM_ERROR("fence restore callback failed (%d)\n",
>>>>> +                                      r);
>>>> When you fail to add the callback this means that you need to call
>>>> call drm_sched_process_job manually here.
>>>>>              }
>>>>>          }
>>>>> +    spin_unlock_irqrestore(&sched->job_list_lock, flags);
>>>>> +
>>>>> +    dma_fence_wait(wait_fence, false);
>>>>> +    dma_fence_put(wait_fence);
>>>>> +    wait_fence = NULL;
>>>>> +
>>>>> +    goto retry_wait;
>>>>> +
>>>>> +done:
>>>>> +    return;
>>>> Drop the done: label and return directly above.
>>>> Apart from all those nit picks that starts to look like it should work,
>>>> Christian.
>>>>>      }
>>>>> -EXPORT_SYMBOL(drm_sched_hw_job_reset);
>>>>> +EXPORT_SYMBOL(drm_sched_stop);
>>>>>        /**
>>>>>       * drm_sched_job_recovery - recover jobs after a reset
>>>>> @@ -393,33 +446,21 @@ EXPORT_SYMBOL(drm_sched_hw_job_reset);
>>>>>       * @sched: scheduler instance
>>>>>       *
>>>>>       */
>>>>> -void drm_sched_job_recovery(struct drm_gpu_scheduler *sched)
>>>>> +void drm_sched_start(struct drm_gpu_scheduler *sched, bool
>>>>> full_recovery)
>>>>>      {
>>>>>          struct drm_sched_job *s_job, *tmp;
>>>>> -    bool found_guilty = false;
>>>>>          unsigned long flags;
>>>>>          int r;
>>>>>      +    if (!full_recovery)
>>>>> +        goto unpark;
>>>>> +
>>>>>          spin_lock_irqsave(&sched->job_list_lock, flags);
>>>>>          list_for_each_entry_safe(s_job, tmp, &sched->ring_mirror_list,
>>>>> node) {
>>>>>              struct drm_sched_fence *s_fence = s_job->s_fence;
>>>>> -        struct dma_fence *fence;
>>>>> -        uint64_t guilty_context;
>>>>> -
>>>>> -        if (!found_guilty && atomic_read(&s_job->karma) >
>>>>> sched->hang_limit) {
>>>>> -            found_guilty = true;
>>>>> -            guilty_context = s_job->s_fence->scheduled.context;
>>>>> -        }
>>>>> -
>>>>> -        if (found_guilty && s_job->s_fence->scheduled.context ==
>>>>> guilty_context)
>>>>> -            dma_fence_set_error(&s_fence->finished, -ECANCELED);
>>>>> -
>>>>> -        spin_unlock_irqrestore(&sched->job_list_lock, flags);
>>>>> -        fence = sched->ops->run_job(s_job);
>>>>> -        atomic_inc(&sched->hw_rq_count);
>>>>> +        struct dma_fence *fence = s_job->s_fence->parent;
>>>>>                if (fence) {
>>>>> -            s_fence->parent = dma_fence_get(fence);
>>>>>                  r = dma_fence_add_callback(fence, &s_fence->cb,
>>>>>                                 drm_sched_process_job);
>>>>>                  if (r == -ENOENT)
>>>>> @@ -427,18 +468,47 @@ void drm_sched_job_recovery(struct
>>>>> drm_gpu_scheduler *sched)
>>>>>                  else if (r)
>>>>>                      DRM_ERROR("fence add callback failed (%d)\n",
>>>>>                            r);
>>>>> -            dma_fence_put(fence);
>>>>> -        } else {
>>>>> -            if (s_fence->finished.error < 0)
>>>>> -                drm_sched_expel_job_unlocked(s_job);
>>>>> +        } else
>>>>>                  drm_sched_process_job(NULL, &s_fence->cb);
>>>>> -        }
>>>>> -        spin_lock_irqsave(&sched->job_list_lock, flags);
>>>>>          }
>>>>> +
>>>>>          drm_sched_start_timeout(sched);
>>>>>          spin_unlock_irqrestore(&sched->job_list_lock, flags);
>>>>> +
>>>>> +unpark:
>>>>> +    kthread_unpark(sched->thread);
>>>>> +}
>>>>> +EXPORT_SYMBOL(drm_sched_start);
>>>>> +
>>>>> +/**
>>>>> + * drm_sched_resubmit_jobs - helper to relunch job from mirror ring
>>>>> list
>>>>> + *
>>>>> + * @sched: scheduler instance
>>>>> + *
>>>>> + */
>>>>> +void drm_sched_resubmit_jobs(struct drm_gpu_scheduler *sched)
>>>>> +{
>>>>> +    struct drm_sched_job *s_job, *tmp;
>>>>> +    uint64_t guilty_context;
>>>>> +    bool found_guilty = false;
>>>>> +
>>>>> +    /*TODO DO we need spinlock here ? */
>>>>> +    list_for_each_entry_safe(s_job, tmp, &sched->ring_mirror_list,
>>>>> node) {
>>>>> +        struct drm_sched_fence *s_fence = s_job->s_fence;
>>>>> +
>>>>> +        if (!found_guilty && atomic_read(&s_job->karma) >
>>>>> sched->hang_limit) {
>>>>> +            found_guilty = true;
>>>>> +            guilty_context = s_job->s_fence->scheduled.context;
>>>>> +        }
>>>>> +
>>>>> +        if (found_guilty && s_job->s_fence->scheduled.context ==
>>>>> guilty_context)
>>>>> +            dma_fence_set_error(&s_fence->finished, -ECANCELED);
>>>>> +
>>>>> +        s_job->s_fence->parent = sched->ops->run_job(s_job);
>>>>> +        atomic_inc(&sched->hw_rq_count);
>>>>> +    }
>>>>>      }
>>>>> -EXPORT_SYMBOL(drm_sched_job_recovery);
>>>>> +EXPORT_SYMBOL(drm_sched_resubmit_jobs);
>>>>>        /**
>>>>>       * drm_sched_job_init - init a scheduler job
>>>>> @@ -634,26 +704,14 @@ static int drm_sched_main(void *param)
>>>>>                      DRM_ERROR("fence add callback failed (%d)\n",
>>>>>                            r);
>>>>>                  dma_fence_put(fence);
>>>>> -        } else {
>>>>> -            if (s_fence->finished.error < 0)
>>>>> -                drm_sched_expel_job_unlocked(sched_job);
>>>>> +        } else
>>>>>                  drm_sched_process_job(NULL, &s_fence->cb);
>>>>> -        }
>>>>>                wake_up(&sched->job_scheduled);
>>>>>          }
>>>>>          return 0;
>>>>>      }
>>>>>      -static void drm_sched_expel_job_unlocked(struct drm_sched_job 
>>>>> *s_job)
>>>>> -{
>>>>> -    struct drm_gpu_scheduler *sched = s_job->sched;
>>>>> -
>>>>> -    spin_lock(&sched->job_list_lock);
>>>>> -    list_del_init(&s_job->node);
>>>>> -    spin_unlock(&sched->job_list_lock);
>>>>> -}
>>>>> -
>>>>>      /**
>>>>>       * drm_sched_init - Init a gpu scheduler instance
>>>>>       *
>>>>> diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/v3d/v3d_sched.c
>>>>> b/drivers/gpu/drm/v3d/v3d_sched.c
>>>>> index 445b2ef..f76d9ed 100644
>>>>> --- a/drivers/gpu/drm/v3d/v3d_sched.c
>>>>> +++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/v3d/v3d_sched.c
>>>>> @@ -178,18 +178,22 @@ v3d_job_timedout(struct drm_sched_job *sched_job)
>>>>>          for (q = 0; q < V3D_MAX_QUEUES; q++) {
>>>>>              struct drm_gpu_scheduler *sched = &v3d->queue[q].sched;
>>>>>      -        kthread_park(sched->thread);
>>>>> -        drm_sched_hw_job_reset(sched, (sched_job->sched == sched ?
>>>>> +        drm_sched_stop(sched, (sched_job->sched == sched ?
>>>>>                                 sched_job : NULL));
>>>>> +
>>>>> +        if(sched_job)
>>>>> +            drm_sched_increase_karma(sched_job);
>>>>>          }
>>>>>            /* get the GPU back into the init state */
>>>>>          v3d_reset(v3d);
>>>>>      +    for (q = 0; q < V3D_MAX_QUEUES; q++)
>>>>> +        drm_sched_resubmit_jobs(sched_job->sched);
>>>>> +
>>>>>          /* Unblock schedulers and restart their jobs. */
>>>>>          for (q = 0; q < V3D_MAX_QUEUES; q++) {
>>>>> -        drm_sched_job_recovery(&v3d->queue[q].sched);
>>>>> -        kthread_unpark(v3d->queue[q].sched.thread);
>>>>> +        drm_sched_start(&v3d->queue[q].sched, true);
>>>>>          }
>>>>>            mutex_unlock(&v3d->reset_lock);
>>>>> diff --git a/include/drm/gpu_scheduler.h b/include/drm/gpu_scheduler.h
>>>>> index 47e1979..5ab2d97 100644
>>>>> --- a/include/drm/gpu_scheduler.h
>>>>> +++ b/include/drm/gpu_scheduler.h
>>>>> @@ -175,6 +175,7 @@ struct drm_sched_fence *to_drm_sched_fence(struct
>>>>> dma_fence *f);
>>>>>       *               finished to remove the job from the
>>>>>       *               @drm_gpu_scheduler.ring_mirror_list.
>>>>>       * @node: used to append this struct to the
>>>>> @drm_gpu_scheduler.ring_mirror_list.
>>>>> + * @finish_node: used in a list to wait on before resetting the
>>>>> scheduler
>>>>>       * @id: a unique id assigned to each job scheduled on the scheduler.
>>>>>       * @karma: increment on every hang caused by this job. If this
>>>>> exceeds the hang
>>>>>       *         limit of the scheduler then the job is marked guilty and
>>>>> will not
>>>>> @@ -193,6 +194,7 @@ struct drm_sched_job {
>>>>>          struct dma_fence_cb        finish_cb;
>>>>>          struct work_struct        finish_work;
>>>>>          struct list_head        node;
>>>>> +    struct list_head        finish_node;
>>>>>          uint64_t            id;
>>>>>          atomic_t            karma;
>>>>>          enum drm_sched_priority        s_priority;
>>>>> @@ -298,9 +300,11 @@ int drm_sched_job_init(struct drm_sched_job *job,
>>>>>                     void *owner);
>>>>>      void drm_sched_job_cleanup(struct drm_sched_job *job);
>>>>>      void drm_sched_wakeup(struct drm_gpu_scheduler *sched);
>>>>> -void drm_sched_hw_job_reset(struct drm_gpu_scheduler *sched,
>>>>> -                struct drm_sched_job *job);
>>>>> -void drm_sched_job_recovery(struct drm_gpu_scheduler *sched);
>>>>> +void drm_sched_stop(struct drm_gpu_scheduler *sched,
>>>>> +            struct drm_sched_job *job);
>>>>> +void drm_sched_start(struct drm_gpu_scheduler *sched, bool
>>>>> full_recovery);
>>>>> +void drm_sched_resubmit_jobs(struct drm_gpu_scheduler *sched);
>>>>> +void drm_sched_increase_karma(struct drm_sched_job *bad);
>>>>>      bool drm_sched_dependency_optimized(struct dma_fence* fence,
>>>>>                          struct drm_sched_entity *entity);
>>>>>      void drm_sched_fault(struct drm_gpu_scheduler *sched);
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>> amd-gfx mailing list
>> amd-gfx@lists.freedesktop.org
>> https://lists.freedesktop.org/mailman/listinfo/amd-gfx
> _______________________________________________
> dri-devel mailing list
> dri-de...@lists.freedesktop.org
> https://lists.freedesktop.org/mailman/listinfo/dri-devel

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