Am 06.03.25 um 18:01 schrieb Natalie Vock:
> When userspace requests buffers to be placed into GTT | VRAM, it is
> requesting the buffer to be placed into either of these domains. If the
> buffer fits into VRAM but does not fit into GTT, then let the buffer
> reside in VRAM instead of failing allocation entirely.

That will completely break suspend/resume on laptops.

we essentially need to always check if a BO can fit into GTT.

> Reported-by: Ivan Avdeev <>
> Signed-off-by: Natalie Vock <>
> ---
> This originally came up in 
> The crux of the issue is that some applications expect they can allocate
> buffers up to the size of VRAM - however, some setups have a
> smaller-than-VRAM GTT region. RADV always sets VRAM | GTT for all buffer
> allocations, so this causes amdgpu to reject the allocation entirely
> because it cannot fit into GTT, even though it could fit into VRAM.
> In my opinion, this check doesn't make sense: It is completely valid
> behavior for the kernel to always keep a VRAM | GTT buffer in VRAM.

No it isn't. On suspend the power to VRAM is turned off and so we always need 
to be able to evacuate buffers into GTT.


> The only case where buffers larger than the GTT size are special is that
> they cannot be evicted to GTT (or swapped out), but the kernel already
> allows VRAM-only buffers to be larger than GTT, and those cannot be
> swapped out either. With the check removed, VRAM | GTT buffers larger
> than GTT behave exactly like VRAM-only buffers larger than GTT.
> The patch adding this check seems to have added it in a v2 - however I
> was unable to find any public discussion around the patch with reasoning
> in favor of this check.
> ---
>  drivers/gpu/drm/amd/amdgpu/amdgpu_object.c | 30 ++++++++++------------
>  1 file changed, 14 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-)
> diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/amd/amdgpu/amdgpu_object.c 
> b/drivers/gpu/drm/amd/amdgpu/amdgpu_object.c
> index d09db052e282d..b5e5fea091bf1 100644
> --- a/drivers/gpu/drm/amd/amdgpu/amdgpu_object.c
> +++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/amd/amdgpu/amdgpu_object.c
> @@ -555,27 +555,25 @@ static bool amdgpu_bo_validate_size(struct 
> amdgpu_device *adev,
>  {
>       struct ttm_resource_manager *man = NULL;
> -     /*
> -      * If GTT is part of requested domains the check must succeed to
> -      * allow fall back to GTT.
> -      */
> -     if (domain & AMDGPU_GEM_DOMAIN_GTT)
> -             man = ttm_manager_type(&adev->mman.bdev, TTM_PL_TT);
> -     else if (domain & AMDGPU_GEM_DOMAIN_VRAM)
> -             man = ttm_manager_type(&adev->mman.bdev, TTM_PL_VRAM);
> -     else
> +     /* TODO add more domains checks, such as AMDGPU_GEM_DOMAIN_CPU, 
>               return true;
> -     if (!man) {
> -             if (domain & AMDGPU_GEM_DOMAIN_GTT)
> +     if (domain & AMDGPU_GEM_DOMAIN_VRAM) {
> +             man = ttm_manager_type(&adev->mman.bdev, TTM_PL_VRAM);
> +             if (size < man->size)
> +                     return true;
> +     }
> +     if (domain & AMDGPU_GEM_DOMAIN_GTT) {
> +             man = ttm_manager_type(&adev->mman.bdev, TTM_PL_TT);
> +             if (!man) {
>                       WARN_ON_ONCE("GTT domain requested but GTT mem manager 
> uninitialized");
> -             return false;
> +                     return false;
> +             }
> +             if (size < man->size)
> +                     return true;
>       }
> -     /* TODO add more domains checks, such as AMDGPU_GEM_DOMAIN_CPU, 
> -     if (size < man->size)
> -             return true;
> -
>       DRM_DEBUG("BO size %lu > total memory in domain: %llu\n", size, 
> man->size);
>       return false;
>  }
> --
> 2.48.1

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