On 3/4/2025 12:32 PM, Felix Kuehling wrote:
On 2025-03-04 13:23, Chen, Xiaogang wrote:

On 3/3/2025 11:21 PM, Felix Kuehling wrote:
On 2025-01-31 11:58, Xiaogang.Chen wrote:
From: Xiaogang Chen<xiaogang.c...@amd.com>

When register a vm range at svm the added vm range may be split into multiple
subranges and/or existing pranges got spitted. The new pranges need validated
and mapped. This patch changes error handling for pranges that fail updating:
It may help if you clearly state the problem you're trying to solve to justify 
the changes in error handling. See more comments inline.

Current way is returning the last sub range error code if it got issue during 
migration, validation or map. If the last error is -EAGAIN, but there are other 
error codes at middle for other sub ranges we still return -EAGAIN. That causes 
same procedure repeated until the sub ranges that have other error code becomes 
the last one.

I noticed it when looked at large range(more than 100GB) registration which 
split into multiple sub ranges. There were multiple unnecessary repeats until 
hit return code that is no -EAGAIN.

As you said we may return immediately if hit no -EAGAIN, and hope app 
terminates. But if app does not terminate kfd drive will hold unused pranges 
until app stops.

1: free prange resources and remove it from svms if its updating fails as it
will not be used.
2: return -EAGAIN when all pranges at update_list need redo valid/map,
otherwise return no -EAGAIN error to user space to indicate failure. That
removes unnecessary retries.

Signed-off-by: Xiaogang Chen<xiaogang.c...@amd.com>
  drivers/gpu/drm/amd/amdkfd/kfd_svm.c | 27 +++++++++++++++++++++++----
  1 file changed, 23 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/amd/amdkfd/kfd_svm.c 
index e32e19196f6b..455cb98bf16a 100644
--- a/drivers/gpu/drm/amd/amdkfd/kfd_svm.c
+++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/amd/amdkfd/kfd_svm.c
@@ -3716,8 +3716,19 @@ svm_range_set_attr(struct kfd_process *p, struct 
mm_struct *mm,
-               if (r)
-                       ret = r;
+               /* this prange cannot be migraed, valid or map */
+               if (r) {
+                       /* free this prange resources, remove it from svms */
+                       svm_range_unlink(prange);
+                       svm_range_remove_notifier(prange);
+                       svm_range_free(prange, false);
Freeing the prange removes SVM mappings from the process. This will break the 
subsequent execution of the application. In case you were going to return 
-EAGAIN that's definitely wrong because the application would expect the SVM 
range to work after a successful retry.
When return -EAGAIN app will do whole range registration again including 
rebuild sub ranges. And at this stage we do not know if subsequent sub ranges 
will be success or fail. So I release current sub range resource if it got 
error(including -EAGAIN). After processing all sub ranges if decide to have app 
do it again, the redo procedure will rebuild the released sub ranges.
I'm not sure the resource waste is a valid argument in case of a fatal error. I 
would expect the application to terminate anyways in this case, which would 
result in freeing the resources. Do you see a scenario where an application 
wants to continue running after this function returned a fatal error?
I made a test app to check the behavior of registration of large range for 
debugging a real issue. I do not know if real app will continue to run when hit 
no -EAGAIN error code. The purpose here is making driver handle this case more 
+                       /* ret got update when any r != -EAGAIN;
+                        * return -EAGAIN when all pranges at update_list
+                        * need redo valid/map */
+                       if (r != -EAGAIN || !ret)
+                               ret = r;
This is a good point. But the explanation is a bit misleading: "all pranges ... need 
redo" is not really true. There may also be ranges that were validated successfully. 
I think the point you're trying to make is this: Don't return -EAGAIN if there was any 
previous fatal error found.
I could potentially see a different optimization. If you encounter a fatal 
error, you can skip the rest of the ranges and return the error immediately.

As said above it is a another way to return immediately if hit no -EAGAIN.  but 
should kfd driver release unused pragne resources any way?

No. Freeing the prange doesn't free any big resources, like VRAM. If VRAM is 
used by the range, the page mappings in the CPU virtual address space hold 
reference counts on the underlying BO. And that doesn't go away until the 
address range is munmapped. If anything, you may end up using more VRAM 
resources because the next time you validate, you may create a new VRAM BO, but 
the old one may not be released yet. You may also create problems for later 
callbacks (MMU notifiers and migrate-to-RAM) for those virtual addresses 
because you're destroying the SVM range structures that would be needed by 
those callbacks.

yes, there are still something left that need svm data structures to back up though sub range got valid/map fail. And vram bo may be created again at redo procedure if call svm_range_free. I think mmu notifier is not an issue since also call svm_range_remove_notifier(prange) that removes mmu callback for this range.

Seems we have to carry on these unused prange data structures until app release them.






+               }
list_for_each_entry(prange, &remap_list, update_list) {
@@ -3729,8 +3740,16 @@ svm_range_set_attr(struct kfd_process *p, struct 
mm_struct *mm,
                if (r)
                        pr_debug("failed %d on remap svm range\n", r);
-               if (r)
-                       ret = r;
+               if (r) {
+                       /* remove this prange */
+                       svm_range_unlink(prange);
+                       svm_range_remove_notifier(prange);
+                       svm_range_free(prange, false);
Same as above.


+                       if (r != -EAGAIN || !ret)
+                               ret = r;
+               }

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