From: "Dr. David Alan Gilbert" <>

mod_freesync_get_vmin_vmax() and mod_freesync_get_v_position() were
added in 2017 by
commit 72ada5f76939 ("drm/amd/display: FreeSync Auto Sweep Support")

mod_freesync_is_valid_range() was added in 2018 by
commit e80e94460841 ("drm/amd/display: add method to check for supported

mod_freesync_get_settings() was added in 2018 by
commit a3e1737ed61c ("drm/amd/display: Implement stats logging")

mod_freesync_calc_field_rate_from_timing() was added in 2020 by
commit 49c70ece54b0 ("drm/amd/display: Change input parameter for

None of these have been used.

Remove them.

Signed-off-by: Dr. David Alan Gilbert <>
 .../amd/display/modules/freesync/freesync.c   | 137 ------------------
 .../amd/display/modules/inc/mod_freesync.h    |  26 ----
 2 files changed, 163 deletions(-)

diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/amd/display/modules/freesync/freesync.c 
index 2b3964529539..3ba9b62ba70b 100644
--- a/drivers/gpu/drm/amd/display/modules/freesync/freesync.c
+++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/amd/display/modules/freesync/freesync.c
@@ -552,43 +552,6 @@ static bool vrr_settings_require_update(struct 
core_freesync *core_freesync,
        return false;
-bool mod_freesync_get_vmin_vmax(struct mod_freesync *mod_freesync,
-               const struct dc_stream_state *stream,
-               unsigned int *vmin,
-               unsigned int *vmax)
-       *vmin = stream->adjust.v_total_min;
-       *vmax = stream->adjust.v_total_max;
-       return true;
-bool mod_freesync_get_v_position(struct mod_freesync *mod_freesync,
-               struct dc_stream_state *stream,
-               unsigned int *nom_v_pos,
-               unsigned int *v_pos)
-       struct core_freesync *core_freesync = NULL;
-       struct crtc_position position;
-       if (mod_freesync == NULL)
-               return false;
-       core_freesync = MOD_FREESYNC_TO_CORE(mod_freesync);
-       if (dc_stream_get_crtc_position(core_freesync->dc, &stream, 1,
-                                       &position.vertical_count,
-                                       &position.nominal_vcount)) {
-               *nom_v_pos = position.nominal_vcount;
-               *v_pos = position.vertical_count;
-               return true;
-       }
-       return false;
 static void build_vrr_infopacket_data_v1(const struct mod_vrr_params *vrr,
                struct dc_info_packet *infopacket,
                bool freesync_on_desktop)
@@ -1291,28 +1254,6 @@ void mod_freesync_handle_v_update(struct mod_freesync 
-void mod_freesync_get_settings(struct mod_freesync *mod_freesync,
-               const struct mod_vrr_params *vrr,
-               unsigned int *v_total_min, unsigned int *v_total_max,
-               unsigned int *event_triggers,
-               unsigned int *window_min, unsigned int *window_max,
-               unsigned int *lfc_mid_point_in_us,
-               unsigned int *inserted_frames,
-               unsigned int *inserted_duration_in_us)
-       if (mod_freesync == NULL)
-               return;
-       if (vrr->supported) {
-               *v_total_min = vrr->adjust.v_total_min;
-               *v_total_max = vrr->adjust.v_total_max;
-               *event_triggers = 0;
-               *lfc_mid_point_in_us = vrr->btr.mid_point_in_us;
-               *inserted_frames = vrr->btr.frames_to_insert;
-               *inserted_duration_in_us = vrr->btr.inserted_duration_in_us;
-       }
 unsigned long long mod_freesync_calc_nominal_field_rate(
                        const struct dc_stream_state *stream)
@@ -1328,85 +1269,7 @@ unsigned long long mod_freesync_calc_nominal_field_rate(
        return nominal_field_rate_in_uhz;
-unsigned long long mod_freesync_calc_field_rate_from_timing(
-               unsigned int vtotal, unsigned int htotal, unsigned int pix_clk)
-       unsigned long long field_rate_in_uhz = 0;
-       unsigned int total = htotal * vtotal;
-       /* Calculate nominal field rate for stream, rounded up to nearest 
integer */
-       field_rate_in_uhz = pix_clk;
-       field_rate_in_uhz *= 1000000ULL;
-       field_rate_in_uhz =     div_u64(field_rate_in_uhz, total);
-       return field_rate_in_uhz;
 bool mod_freesync_get_freesync_enabled(struct mod_vrr_params *pVrr)
        return (pVrr->state != VRR_STATE_UNSUPPORTED) && (pVrr->state != 
-bool mod_freesync_is_valid_range(uint32_t min_refresh_cap_in_uhz,
-               uint32_t max_refresh_cap_in_uhz,
-               uint32_t nominal_field_rate_in_uhz)
-       /* Typically nominal refresh calculated can have some fractional part.
-        * Allow for some rounding error of actual video timing by taking floor
-        * of caps and request. Round the nominal refresh rate.
-        *
-        * Dividing will convert everything to units in Hz although input
-        * variable name is in uHz!
-        *
-        * Also note, this takes care of rounding error on the nominal refresh
-        * so by rounding error we only expect it to be off by a small amount,
-        * such as < 0.1 Hz. i.e. 143.9xxx or 144.1xxx.
-        *
-        * Example 1. Caps    Min = 40 Hz, Max = 144 Hz
-        *            Request Min = 40 Hz, Max = 144 Hz
-        *                    Nominal = 143.5x Hz rounded to 144 Hz
-        *            This function should allow this as valid request
-        *
-        * Example 2. Caps    Min = 40 Hz, Max = 144 Hz
-        *            Request Min = 40 Hz, Max = 144 Hz
-        *                    Nominal = 144.4x Hz rounded to 144 Hz
-        *            This function should allow this as valid request
-        *
-        * Example 3. Caps    Min = 40 Hz, Max = 144 Hz
-        *            Request Min = 40 Hz, Max = 144 Hz
-        *                    Nominal = 120.xx Hz rounded to 120 Hz
-        *            This function should return NOT valid since the requested
-        *            max is greater than current timing's nominal
-        *
-        * Example 4. Caps    Min = 40 Hz, Max = 120 Hz
-        *            Request Min = 40 Hz, Max = 120 Hz
-        *                    Nominal = 144.xx Hz rounded to 144 Hz
-        *            This function should return NOT valid since the nominal
-        *            is greater than the capability's max refresh
-        */
-       nominal_field_rate_in_uhz =
-                       div_u64(nominal_field_rate_in_uhz + 500000, 1000000);
-       min_refresh_cap_in_uhz /= 1000000;
-       max_refresh_cap_in_uhz /= 1000000;
-       /* Check nominal is within range */
-       if (nominal_field_rate_in_uhz > max_refresh_cap_in_uhz ||
-               nominal_field_rate_in_uhz < min_refresh_cap_in_uhz)
-               return false;
-       /* If nominal is less than max, limit the max allowed refresh rate */
-       if (nominal_field_rate_in_uhz < max_refresh_cap_in_uhz)
-               max_refresh_cap_in_uhz = nominal_field_rate_in_uhz;
-       /* Check min is within range */
-       if (min_refresh_cap_in_uhz > max_refresh_cap_in_uhz)
-               return false;
-       /* For variable range, check for at least 10 Hz range */
-       if (nominal_field_rate_in_uhz - min_refresh_cap_in_uhz < 10)
-               return false;
-       return true;
diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/amd/display/modules/inc/mod_freesync.h 
index cc3dc9b589f6..57916ed98c86 100644
--- a/drivers/gpu/drm/amd/display/modules/inc/mod_freesync.h
+++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/amd/display/modules/inc/mod_freesync.h
@@ -110,25 +110,6 @@ struct mod_vrr_params {
 struct mod_freesync *mod_freesync_create(struct dc *dc);
 void mod_freesync_destroy(struct mod_freesync *mod_freesync);
-bool mod_freesync_get_vmin_vmax(struct mod_freesync *mod_freesync,
-               const struct dc_stream_state *stream,
-               unsigned int *vmin,
-               unsigned int *vmax);
-bool mod_freesync_get_v_position(struct mod_freesync *mod_freesync,
-               struct dc_stream_state *stream,
-               unsigned int *nom_v_pos,
-               unsigned int *v_pos);
-void mod_freesync_get_settings(struct mod_freesync *mod_freesync,
-               const struct mod_vrr_params *vrr,
-               unsigned int *v_total_min, unsigned int *v_total_max,
-               unsigned int *event_triggers,
-               unsigned int *window_min, unsigned int *window_max,
-               unsigned int *lfc_mid_point_in_us,
-               unsigned int *inserted_frames,
-               unsigned int *inserted_duration_in_us);
 void mod_freesync_build_vrr_infopacket(struct mod_freesync *mod_freesync,
                const struct dc_stream_state *stream,
                const struct mod_vrr_params *vrr,
@@ -155,13 +136,6 @@ void mod_freesync_handle_v_update(struct mod_freesync 
 unsigned long long mod_freesync_calc_nominal_field_rate(
                        const struct dc_stream_state *stream);
-unsigned long long mod_freesync_calc_field_rate_from_timing(
-               unsigned int vtotal, unsigned int htotal, unsigned int pix_clk);
-bool mod_freesync_is_valid_range(uint32_t min_refresh_cap_in_uhz,
-               uint32_t max_refresh_cap_in_uhz,
-               uint32_t nominal_field_rate_in_uhz);
 unsigned int mod_freesync_calc_v_total_from_refresh(
                const struct dc_stream_state *stream,
                unsigned int refresh_in_uhz);

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