Since yesterday was a rainy day over here, I took some time at the unimplemented dce6 functions and I'm almost done with them.
I still need to: - mimic how MASKs and SHIFTs are used in dce_v8_0.c (purely for consistency and clarity) -- rename some variables and split imbriqued MASKs and SHIFTs (almost completed for dce_v6_0.c usages and some other files that were using the same defined variables) -- move MASKs and SHIFTs to their own file (dce_6_0_sh_mask.h) - complete implementation of two remainging functions: --- dce_v6_0_afmt_update_ACR() --- dce_v6_0_afmt_update_avi_infoframe() I found a few duplicated "#define" in sid.h while porting code that I'm cleaning at the same time. So, in the next few days, I'll send patches for cleaning duplicated "#define" in sid.h, renaming, splitting and moving MASKs and SHIFTs to their own file first. It could be grouped as follow: a patch for removed duplicates, one for renaming and splitting masks and shifts, and a last one for moving them to their own file. However, after that, would it be better to send a single patch for all unimplemented functions or should I split them? Per function (or group of functions)? Thanks for your input. Alexandre Demers
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