Selamat siang, semuanya

Jika Anda ingin mempelajari lebih lanjut tentang Bitcoin, apa itu Pi Network, 
dan jenis keuntungan serta risiko yang timbul dari berinvestasi dalam 
cryptocurrency, maka ini adalah artikel yang harus dibaca.

Saya akan terus terang jujur di sini dan mengatakan bahwa ini bukanlah topik 
yang mudah untuk diteliti dan dipelajari. Mungkin karena sudah lama saya tidak 
membaca secara komprehensif tentang topik yang tidak saya kenal, atau mungkin 
karena ini memang topik yang sedikit rumit.

Either way, saya berharap dalam artikel ini saya akan berhasil membuatnya lebih 
sederhana dan lebih mudah untuk dipahami bagi mereka yang sama sekali tidak 
tahu apa itu bitcoin dan bagaimana cara kerjanya. Jadi, tarik napas dalam-dalam 
dan mari kita selami!

Apa itu Bitcoin?

Bitcoin adalah mata uang kripto yang tidak dikelola oleh otoritas apa pun, dan 
di mana transaksinya dicatat dalam blockchain yang bersifat publik dan berisi 
catatan dari setiap transaksi yang terjadi.

Itu dibuat pada Januari 2009 oleh orang / grup tanpa nama dengan nama samaran 
Satoshi Nakamoto, dan dianggap sebagai alternatif pertama untuk mata uang fiat.

Bitcoin juga merupakan cryptocurrency pertama yang berhasil menggunakan 
transaksi peer-to-peer dan mengeliminasi perantara, seperti perusahaan kartu 
kredit atau bank, di mana otorisasi untuk transaksi perlu dilakukan terlebih 

Kerugian dari Bitcoin

Menghasilkan Bitcoin menjadi lebih kompleks dan penambangan menjadi hampir 
tidak mungkin bagi masyarakat umum, orang-orang yang tidak memiliki peralatan 
penambangan khusus dan cukup uang untuk membeli konsumsi listrik yang sangat 
besar yang tidak mungkin dikonsumsi oleh proses penambangan.

Ada sekitar empat juta rig komputer di seluruh dunia yang terus-menerus 
menambang Bitcoin, namun 98% dari mereka tidak akan pernah mendapatkan kodenya 
terlebih dahulu, sehingga tidak akan pernah memverifikasi transaksi, meskipun 
biaya listriknya besar.

Dan bahkan ketika mereka berhasil mendapatkannya, imbalannya seringkali sangat 
rendah dibandingkan dengan biaya. Sebuah studi kasus baru-baru ini menunjukkan 
bahwa pengaturan penambangan dan biaya listrik berarti menambang satu Bitcoin 
di rumah pada tahun 2020 juga akan menelan biaya sekitar satu Bitcoin dengan 
harga saat ini.

Kelemahan lainnya adalah, meskipun Bitcoin dimulai sebagai alat baru untuk mata 
uang yang terdesentralisasi, dapat diakses oleh semua, dan dikendalikan oleh 
semua penggunanya, seiring dengan pertumbuhan jaringan, hal ini agak berubah.

Bitcoin telah menjadi tersentralisasi, di mana sebagian besar mata uang ditahan 
oleh hanya sejumlah kecil orang dan dengan demikian, mereka memiliki kekuatan 
mata uang yang lebih tinggi. Dilaporkan bahwa 87% dari semua Bitcoin dimiliki 
oleh kurang dari 1% jaringan.

Apa itu Jaringan Pi?

Pi adalah cryptocurrency baru yang dibuat oleh 3 Stanford PhD dan diluncurkan 
pada 14 Maret 2019 (juga dikenal sebagai Hari Pi, karena 3/14 adalah tiga digit 
pertama π).

Ini dianggap sebagai mata uang digital pertama yang dapat digunakan oleh 
manusia biasa. Artinya Anda tidak memerlukan perangkat khusus atau latar 
belakang teknis yang luas untuk dapat menambang dan mendapatkan koin Pi, tidak 
seperti Bitcoin misalnya.

Ini juga merupakan mata uang kripto pertama yang memungkinkan penambangan 
melalui ponsel Anda (Android | iOS), tanpa menguras baterai Anda atau 
menggunakan terlalu banyak daya.

Jaringan Pi terutama mengandalkan kontributornya untuk memperkuat lingkaran 
keamanannya saat ini. Dari Maret 2019 hingga Maret 2020 mereka berhasil 
memiliki 10 juta penambang di jaringan mereka.

Saya diperkenalkan ke Pi Network oleh seorang mantan rekan kerja dan saya 
tertarik dengan gagasan bahwa ini masih dalam tahap awal, dan fakta bahwa saya 
dapat menambang dengan mengklik tombol di ponsel saya, jadi saya memutuskan 
untuk belajar dan membaca lebih ke dalamnya.

Saya telah melihat banyak orang yang skeptis tentang itu, berpikir bahwa mereka 
membuatnya terlalu mudah? dan itu terlalu bagus untuk menjadi kenyataan.?

Atau ini hanya akan crash dan terbakar, seperti banyak jenis cryptocurrency 
lain yang mencoba? Bitcoin baru? dan gagal.

Namun, saya masih tidak melihat salahnya melakukannya, karena kita tidak 
benar-benar mempertaruhkan apa pun dengan melakukannya. Mereka tidak meminta 
Anda membayar untuk mendapatkan koin itu.

Yang mereka minta dari penambang mereka adalah mereka menggunakan aplikasi 
sekali setiap hari, hanya dengan mengklik ikon, dan kemudian aplikasi akan 
terus menghasilkan Pi untuk mereka selama 24 jam lagi.

Mereka juga mendorong para penambang untuk berkontribusi memperkuat jaringan 
dengan menambahkan 3-5 orang ke lingkaran keamanan mereka. Dan ketika mereka 
membuka aplikasi setiap hari, mereka mulai mendapatkan penghasilan dengan 
mengonfirmasi bahwa 3-5 orang tersebut adalah orang yang dapat dipercaya.

Sementara cryptocurrency seperti Bitcoin mengamankan buku besar mereka dengan 
memaksa penambang untuk membakar energi (bukti kerja), Pi mengamankan buku 
besarnya ketika anggotanya menjamin satu sama lain sebagai dapat dipercaya.

Pi adalah kontributor yang menjamin satu sama lain dengan membangun lingkaran 
keamanan yang terdiri dari 3-5 anggota yang mereka anggap dapat dipercaya.

Lingkaran keamanan harus terdiri dari orang-orang yang Anda percayai untuk 
tidak melakukan transaksi penipuan. Lingkaran keamanan jaringan membentuk 
grafik kepercayaan global yang menentukan siapa yang dapat dipercaya untuk 
melakukan transaksi di Pi adalah buku besar.

Terlepas dari lingkaran keamanan Anda yang terdiri dari 5 orang, Anda dapat 
menambahkan lebih banyak ke jaringan untuk menjadi bagian dari tim penghasilan 

Bitcoin baru saja melonjak lebih dari $ 18 ribu minggu lalu.
Beberapa orang mencapai mimpi crypto sementara yang lain menyadari betapa 
mengabaikan tren adalah kesalahan besar.
PI bisa menjadi kesempatan berikutnya, Ini adalah mata uang digital baru yang 
dikembangkan oleh Stanford PhD pada tahun 2019, dengan lebih dari 9 juta 
anggota di seluruh dunia saat ini. Tampaknya mengikuti pola yang sama dengan 
Bitcoin pada tahun 2009.
Pada tahap ini, rencana jaringan PI tampaknya hanya "meningkatkan jumlahnya, 
menguji sistem, dan kami akan mengambilnya dari sana".

Anda hanya perlu meluangkan waktu satu menit sehari, beri diri Anda kesempatan 
untuk menjadi kaya. PI adalah risiko nol, tidak ada investasi, tidak perlu 
kartu kredit
Jika Anda melewatkan bitcoin pada tahap awal, jangan biarkan kesempatan ini 
berlalu begitu saja.
Tidak ada alasan untuk tidak bergabung dengan jaringan PI dan mendapatkan 
beberapa token. Bergabunglah sekarang, atau sesali nanti.
PI adalah proyek jangka panjang, Jika Anda ingin menghasilkan uang dengan cepat 
dan mengambil risiko, silakan kunjungi sub-situs di bawah ini , Sub-situs ini 
akan diperbarui setiap minggu. Ini akan memberi Anda beberapa ide tentang 
bagaimana menghasilkan dengan NOL atau sedikit investasi untuk menghasilkan 
uang, Silakan sering kunjungi kami.

Pada 15 Desember 2020, semua anggota grup yahoo tidak lagi dapat mengirim atau 
menerima email dari Yahoo Groups.
Jika Anda masih ingin menerima pesan tentang cara berinvestasi dalam crypto 
GRATIS dan AMAN, Silakan bergabung dengan grup google baru kami 
Anda hanya perlu mengirim email kosong ke Kemudian Anda akan mendapatkan balasan 
dari grup ini.
Mohon JANGAN klik tombol "Gabung Grup Ini". Tapi balas saja dengan email kosong 
lagi. Anda akan ditambahkan ke grup.
Anda akan mendapatkan pesan email yang telah dikonfirmasi "Anda sekarang adalah 
anggota grup l0731goibc".

Semoga berhasil.

Good day, everyone

 If you want to learn more about Bitcoin, what Pi Network is, and the kind of 
profits and risks that come with investing in cryptocurrencies, then this is 
the article to read.

I am going to be bluntly honest here and say that this was not an easy topic to 
research and study. Maybe because it has been a while since I did some 
comprehensive reading on a topic I am not familiar with, or perhaps because it 
is indeed a bit of a complex topic.

Either way, I hope that in this article I would have managed to make it simpler 
and easier to understand for those who have absolutely no idea what bitcoin is 
and how it works. So, take a deep breath and let us dive in!

What is Bitcoin?

Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency that isn't managed by any authority, and in which 
transactions are recorded in a blockchain that is public and contains records 
of every transaction that takes place.

It was created in January 2009 by an anonymous person/group under the pseudonym 
Satoshi Nakamoto, and it is considered to be the first alternative to fiat 

Bitcoin is also the first cryptocurrency that managed to use a peer-to-peer 
transaction and eliminated the middleman, like the credit card company or the 
bank, where an authorization for the transaction needs to take place first.

Downsides to Bitcoin

Earning Bitcoin has become more complex and mining has become almost impossible 
for the general public, people with no special mining equipment and enough 
money to afford the huge consumption of electricity that the mining process 
consumes have no chance.

There are around four million computer rigs worldwide that are constantly 
mining for Bitcoin, yet 98% of them will never get the code first, and so will 
never verify the transactions, despite the huge electricity expense.

And even when they do manage to get it, the rewards are often incredibly low 
compared to cost. A recent case study showed that the mining setup and 
electricity costs mean that mining one Bitcoin at home in 2020 will also cost 
about one Bitcoin at current prices.

Another downside is that, while Bitcoin started out as a new means for a 
currency that is decentralized, accessible to all, and is controlled by all its 
users, as the network grew, this has somewhat changed.

Bitcoin has in a way become centralized, in that the majority of the currency 
is withheld by only a small number of people and so, in a way, they have an 
upper power of the currency. It is reported that 87% of all Bitcoins are owned 
by less than 1% of the network.

What is Pi Network?

Pi is a new cryptocurrency that was created by 3 Stanford PhDs and was launched 
on March 14th, 2019 (also known as Pi Day, as 3/14 is the first three digits of 
 the π).

It is considered the first digital currency that can be used by everyday 
people. Meaning you don?t need special devices or extensive technical 
background to be able to mine and earn Pi coins, unlike Bitcoin for example.

It is also the first cryptocurrency that enables mining through your phone 
(both Android | iOS), without draining your battery or using up too much power.

Pi Network mainly relies on its contributors to strengthen its security circle 
right now. From March 2019 to March 2020 they managed to have 10 million miners 
in their network.

I was introduced to Pi Network by an ex-coworker and I was intrigued by the 
idea that it is still in its beginning phases, and the fact I can mine with the 
click of a button on my phone, so I decided to learn and read more into it.

I have seen many people being skeptical about it, thinking that they are making 
it is too easy? and it is too good to be true.?

Or that this is going to just crash and burn, like many other types of 
cryptocurrency that tried to be ? the new Bitcoin? and failed.

However, I do nott see the harm in going for it still, since we are not really 
risking anything by doing so. They are not asking you to pay to earn those 

All they ask of their miners is that they use the app once every day, by just 
clicking an icon, and then the app will continue earning Pi for them for 
another 24 hours.

They also encourage miners to contribute to strengthening the network by adding 
3-5 people to their security circle. And when they open the app everyday, they 
start earning by confirming that those 3-5 people are trustworthy people.

While cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin secure their ledgers by forcing miners to 
burn energy (proof of work), Pi secures its ledger when its members vouch for 
each other as trustworthy.

Pi is Contributors vouch for each other by building security circles composed 
of 3-5 members they deem as trustworthy.

Security circles should be composed of people you trust not to execute 
fraudulent transactions. The network security circles form a global trust graph 
that determines who can be trusted to execute transactions on Pi is ledger.

Apart from your security circle that consists of 5 people, you can add more to 
the network to be a part of your earning team.

When you add more people to your earning team, your Pi earning rate per hour 
increases, and you also help grow the Pi network.

Is it worth it to join Pi Network?

Well, I remember, as some of you might too, when Bitcoin first came out in 
2009/2010, how everyone was skeptical, most people thought it was a scam.

Only few people believed that it could actually amount to something and decided 
to take the leap and go for it.

Let us say, someone in 2010 took a chance on Bitcoin and decided to buy it when 
a single coin was for around $0.06.

If this person bought 100 Bitcoins for only $6 thinking, ? it is just $6, no 
big deal.?

Fast-forward to 2018, a single Bitcoin reached $19,783.

This person who decided to buy 100 Bitcoins for $6 in 2010, in 2018 had 100 
Bitcoins for $1,197,830.

See where I am going with this?

Though there is absolutely no guarantee that Pi will go as high as Bitcoin, or 
even go anywhere at all, since this is all still a beta version of the real 
thing. However, there is also a great chance that it might go somewhere.

If you look at how quickly their platform is growing, how in only 12 months 
from launch date they managed to gain over 10 million users in 180 countries 
and are still growing every day, this is a really good indicator that it might 
get somewhere.

Also, the fact they are filling a hole in this industry, providing a simple way 
for the everyday person to acquire cryptocurrency; adding to that the fact it 
is an eco-friendly system that still is not compromising security; these are 
some promising factors as well.

How can you start earning Pi coins?

You can not just download the app and join the Pi Network on your own; in order 
to join the network, you need to have an invitation code from someone in the 

So, if you feel like you want to give this a try, you can click here and when 
asked for a code, you can use my invitation code RanaRay.

When you join, you will create your own code that you can then share to invite 
others to join too, if you wish to increase your hourly earning rates.

At the moment, the earning rate for a new user is 0.25 pi/hour. This rate used 
to be much higher when the network had fewer users.

The more people join the network, the lower the rates become. The base rate of 
mining halves every time the number of active users increases by a factor of 10

So it went from 1 pi/hour at 1000 users to 0.50 at 10,000, and to 0.25 at 
1,000,000. The next milestone, at 10,000,000 users, the rates will either be 
halved again or fall to zero.

When the rate eventually falls to zero, the users will then be rewarded through 
transaction fees not minting new currency.

So, the sooner you join the network, the better!

If you want to learn more or have any questions about how Pi Network works, 
feel free to send them my way.

When will Pi coins be worth money?

On their website, Pi Network team has explained what their plan is and the 
steps and phases they are going to take until this currency takes off and can 
be traded for money.

There are 3 different phases for the launch of the currency. I am not going to 
get too technical, you can read everything in detail here.

However, to put it simply, they are done with Phase 1 and Phase 2 started in 
March 2020, which consists of testing the process on a testnet mimicking the 
real system before going live.

In Phase 2, users are encouraged to set up their computers to act as Nodes in 
the network and to participate in the current testing process. This is not a 
requirement though, and there are no announced benefits to the users doing it 
so far. For now, it is just a way for contributors to help the Pi network grow.

When these tests are finished, they will move to Phase 3 where the official 
launch of the currency will take place, and that?s when Pi will be listed in 
currency exchange lists and have a price, and that?s when your coins can be 
traded for other currencies.

During Phase 3, all users with verified accounts on the current beta version 
will be migrated to the live, official version with the balance of Pi coins 
they have earned during this period.

(You are asked to verify your identity by verifying your phone number, so do 
not forget to do that when you join.)

There is no official date set for the start of Phase 3 yet; however, it is 
speculated that it would be sometime late 2020 or early 2021.

Pros of Pi Network

Simple. You can easily mine and earn coins with the click of a button. No need 
for technical background.

Fair. Coin distribution does not depend on the capacity or the performance of 
your device. Rates for all users start the same, and only increases as each 
individual contributes to the network.

Affordable. You do not need to buy special mining devices or pay too much on 
electricity. And it does not drain your phone battery.

Eco-friendly. Mining for Pi does not consume too much power, unlike mining for 
other cryptocurrencies.

Pi network. Everything you need to know about the new digital currency Pi 
Network. Pinterest.

1 Bitcoin is worth 18,745 USD as of the writing of this article.

Pi is a new digital currency created in 2019 and the creators are offering FREE 
coins (no payments required) until they reach Phase 3 of their launch.

The price/value of 1 Pi is not yet identified, and will not be until they reach 
Phase 3.

You can only join the Pi Network through a referrer. So if you are interested 
in joining and earning those free coins, you can visit the below site to join, 
then use cakzxd as your invitation code.

I believe Pi will blow bitcoin out of the water when it comes into its own in 
phase 3. Stanford has produced 77 billionaires. When they begin using PI as 
their go to digital currency the value will skyrocket.  We pioneers may be in 
for the ride of our life!

More Information?  Please visit us at

Bitcoin just boomed over $18K last week.
Some people achieved the crypto dream while others realized how ignoring the 
trend was a terrible mistake.
PI could be the next opportunity, It is a new digital currency developed by 
Stanford PhDs in 2019, with over 9million members worldwide today. It seems to 
follow the same pattern as Bitcoin in 2009.
At this stage, the PI network plan seems to just be “grow the numbers, test the 
system, and we will take it from there.”

You just need to take one minute a day, give yourself a chance to get rich. PI 
is Zero risk, no investment, no credit card required
If you miss the bitcoin at an early stage, don't let this opportunity pass by 
There’s no reason not to join the  PI network and earn some tokens. Join now, 
or regret it later.
PI is a long term project, If you want to make money fast and take some risks, 
please visit the below subsite, This subsite will be updated weekly. It is 
going to provide you some idea on how to earn with ZERO or little investment to 
make money, Please visit us frequently.

On December 15, 2020 all yahoo group members will no longer be able to send or 
receive emails from Yahoo Groups.
If  you want to still receive those messages on how to invest in the crypto 
FREE and SAFE, Please join our new google group 
You just need to send a blank email to 
Then you will get a reply from this group.
Please DO NOT click the button "Join This Group". But just reply it with 
another blank email again. You will be added to the group.
You will get the confirmed email message "You are now a member of the 
l0731goibc group". 

Good Luck.

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