I've started the petition "PT. RAPP (APRIL GROUP ): Hentikan tebangi hutan alam untuk produksi pulp dan kertas sekarang" and need your help to get it off the ground. Will you take 30 seconds to sign it right now? Here's the link: http://www.change.org/petitions/pt-rapp-april-group-hentikan-tebangi-hutan-alam-untuk-produksi-pulp-dan-kertas-sekarang Here's why it's important: http://www.aprilasia.com/ About APRIL Asia Pacific Resources International Limited (APRIL) is a leading fibre, pulp and paper manufacturer and one of the world’s largest producers of bleached hardwood kraft (BHK) pulp. A global sales and marketing network sees APRIL's products used in over 75 countries around the world in liquid packaging, printing and writing paper, tissues, shopping bags, food packaging, magazines and books. APRIL’s own flagship paper brand is PaperOne™ made from 100% renewable plantation fibre. Social investment, environmental conservation and contribution to economic development are integral components of APRIL's business values and actions. The company is a leader in Asia in applying best practice sustainable forestry management through a responsible, managed approach which includes the protection of High Conservation Value Forest (HCVF). APRIL takes pride in its efforts to create long-term shared value in the communities in which it operates by responsibly transforming chosen natural resources into products that improve the quality of life for people wherever we do business. Pada 28 Januari 2014, APRIL mengumumkan Kebijakan Pengelolaan Hutan Lestari atau Sustainable Forest Manajemen Policy (SMFP) yang mereka gadang-gadang tidak menerima pasokan kayu hutan alam hingga tahun 2019. Dan mendeklarasikan moratorium di seluruh area rantai pasokan serat dimana penilaian HCVF belum selesai dilaksanakan. Hentikan penggunaan bahan baku kayu dari hutan alam sekarang! You can sign my petition by clicking here. Thanks! Ganda Situmorang Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android