Pak Yudi, Lokasi di Jonggol, telp. 0815 115 66 8xx
Yudi Permana <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Pak Alfin, Lokasi dimana?? No. Telp yang bisa dihubungi?? Terima kasih From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Alfinus Oktavianus Sent: Tuesday, May 13, 2008 4:33 PM To: Subject: [agromania] Jual Ikan Air Tawar Alfin Fish ------------- Jual Ikan Air Tawar: Gurame: - Larva: Rp. 60,- - 2/3cm: Rp. 400,- - 3/5cm (Silet): Rp. 1.000,- - 5/7cm (Korek): Rp. 1.500,- - Super: Rp. 2.500,- - Konsumsi: 27.000,- Mas: - 2/3cm: Rp. 70,- - 3/5cm: Rp. 150,- - Konsumsi: Rp. 14.500,- Nila Merah: - 2/3cm: Rp. 150,- - 3/5cm: Rp. 250,- - Konsumsi: Rp. 17.000,- Nila Hitam: - 2/3cm: Rp. 60,- - 3/5cm: Rp. 80,- - Konsumsi: Rp. 9.500,- Bawal: - 3/4 inci: Rp. 100,- - 1 inci: Rp. 125,- - 1,5 inci: Rp. 150,- - 2 inci: Rp. 200,- - 2,5 inci: Rp. 250,- - Konsumsi: Rp. 12.000,- Patin: - 3/4 inci: Rp. 100,- - 1 inci: Rp. 125,- - 1,5 inci: Rp. 150,- - 2 inci: Rp. 250,- - 2,5 inci: Rp. 300,- - 3 inci: Rp. 350,- - Konsumsi: Rp. 12.000,- Hubungi: Alfin Fish 0815 115 66 8xx, 08787 015 66 xx ################ AGROMANIA ################## Mau Daftar ABC (Agromania Business Club) ? Segera kirim email ke [EMAIL PROTECTED] <> . AGROMANIA (online sejak 1 Agustus 2000) SMS AGROMANIA: 0 8 1 1 1 8 5 9 2 9 EMAIL: [EMAIL PROTECTED] <> . MILIS: AKTIVITAS: REFERENSI: ALAMAT: Jl.Jambu No.53, Pejaten Barat 2, Jaksel 12510 BERGABUNG: ################ AGROMANIA ################## ________________________________ ** âThis e-mail (including any attachments) is intended solely for the addressee and could contain information that is confidential; If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any use, disclosure, copying or dissemination of this e-mail and any attachment is strictly prohibited and you should immediately delete it. This message does not necessarily reflect the views of Bank Indonesia. Although this e-mail has been checked for computer viruses, Bank Indonesia accepts no liability for any damage caused by any virus and any malicious code transmitted by this e-mail. Therefore, the recipient should check again for the risk of viruses, malicious codes, etc as a result of e-mail transmission through Internetâ [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]