Dear Pak Teguh, Bapak berani jual Rp.1.000,- per ekor untuk 2" up? Thanks and regards, Lucie
----- Original Message ---- From: teguh3 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: Bandoeng Friananda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent: Monday, July 30, 2007 7:44:36 AM Subject: Re: [agromania] pengepul bibit LAT selamar pagi bu lucie, sorry baru balas, abis cuti 1 minggu. harga dari saya Rp. 1500,- untuk 2" up. Thanks Teguh ----- Original Message ----- From: Bandoeng Friananda To: Cc: teguh.trh Sent: 2007-07-25 Wednesday 11:34 AM Subject: Re: [agromania] pengepul bibit LAT Dear Pak Teguh, Saya ada di daerah Cililitan, Jakarta Timur. Kebutuhan Bapak berapa ekor? Harga berapa dari Bapak untuk bibit (uk. 2" up)? Thanks, Lucie ----- Original Message ---- From: teguh.trh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: Sent: Friday, July 13, 2007 5:13:22 PM Subject: [agromania] pengepul bibit LAT dear rekan 2.. ada yg bisa kasih informasi pengepul bibit Lobster Air Tawar di daerah bekasi / jakarta timur ? Thanks Teguh [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] Sick sense of humor? Visit Yahoo! TV's Comedy with an Edge to see what's on, when. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Building a website is a piece of cake. Yahoo! Small Business gives you all the tools to get online. [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]