---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Novian syah <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Feb 27, 2007 5:33 PM
Subject: Agro-enterprise and Market Access Development Training
To: dhanny tantri <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: Muhammad Riza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, riza duta awam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Dear dhanny,

aku attach brosur pelatihan agro-enterprise and market access development,
kalo bisa dimasukkan ke 1dunia atau mailistnya dhanny. Training 6 hari akan
membahas lengkap pendekatan commodity dan rantai pasar. Pelatihan akan
dilakukan di kelas dan outdoor, termasuk mengikuti alur barang (sayuran)
dari kebun ke pasar (akan dilakukan biasanya malam hari). Kita sedang
usahakan untuk bisa mengikuti arus barang supplier-nya Hero atau carrefour.
Juga akan ada marketing strategy contest, dimana peserta training (group)
akan melakukan ujicoba menjual produk di daerah bogor (seperti the
apprentice)...akan sangat fun bagi peserta training.

kamu ikut aja....biar mengerti tentang bisnis pertanian, collective
marketing dan permasalahannya...pasti nulisnya jadi lebih lancar dan banyak



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Diah Tantri Dwiandani
Knowledge Sharing Officer
SatuDunia Project-Hivos
Jl. Brawijaya Raya No.12A
Kebayoran Baru
Jakarta Selatan 12160
Tlp. +62-21 7244432
Fax. +62-21 7230774

Hivos as a development institution is committed to good governance which
includes consistent promotion of high standards of financial accountability
and explicit   prevention of   corruption.

In support of the overall credibility of our organization and its
principles, Hivos staff members          are not permitted to receive any
direct or indirect benefits such as gratitude payment/appreciation
gifts/commission from its partner organizations; vendors, business
associates and/or other parties.

Any third parties involved in circumventing these strict guidelines of good
governance will face immediate suspension from all transaction with Hivos.
The above mentioned are inclusive but not exhaustive

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