Met kenal Pak Herry dan Pak Hery, kalau boleh tau berapa kapasitas produksi per bulan, kemasannya? samplenya bisakah saya dapatkan? Thanks.
----- Original Message ---- From: PCE <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: Sent: Thursday, 7 December, 2006 9:06:46 AM Subject: Re: [agromania] cari suplier nilam alias dilem Pak Herry, Kami di SUMUT ada minyak nilam harga berapa? uji lab dimana? di sucofindo... .kita punya tanamana dengan lahan +-50 Ha. ----- Original Message ----- From: Herry Setiyawan To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Tuesday, December 05, 2006 7:12 AM Subject: Re: [agromania] cari suplier nilam alias dilem Pak Hery, harga bisa nego gak kalau ambil dlm jumlah besar, lokasi bpk dmn? Herry Setiyawan ----- Original Message ----- From: hery gunawan To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Friday, December 01, 2006 9:30 AM Subject: Re: [agromania] cari suplier nilam alias dilem butuh berapa banyak? kita belum uji di lab, tapi harga dari kita 220 rb/kg di tempat ady_78an <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: agromania kita lagi nyari price list nilam per kiloan, mungkin ada yang tahu? ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ __ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around http://mail. [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] ___________________________________________________________ Now you can scan emails quickly with a reading pane. Get the new Yahoo! Mail. [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]