On 12/31/24 21:09, Mischief via agora-discussion wrote:
> On 12/31/24 6:41 PM, Janet Cobb via agora-business wrote:
>> Gratuitous:
>> This is trivially FALSE. "in this message" means the message in which
>> the CFJ was called.
> Ha, initially I didn't even catch that the first sentence is a 
> counterargument to the second.
> The point being, "this" has more than one possible antecedent when 
> there's a quoted message.

CFJ statements are meant to be read independently. Those gratuitous
arguments weren't.

In any event, there's very clear game custom about this. [0] shows 83
appearances of "quoted message" (as opposed to simply saying "this
message" to refer to a quoted message), and picking a few old cases with
"this message" in the statement uniformly shows them as meaning the
message in which the CFJ was called, even if there was a quote in the
body [1] [2] [3].

[0]: https://agoranomic.org/cases/





Janet Cobb

Assessor, Rulekeepor

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