On Sun, Dec 15, 2024 at 4:48 PM Edward Murphy via agora-discussion <
agora-discussion@agoranomic.org> wrote:

> juan wrote:
> > Edward Murphy via agora-discussion [2024-12-08 09:09]:
> >> Specifically, many reports self-ratify (Rule 2201) if they go
> >> unchallenged for a week. A CoE blocks this (though if it's denied, then
> >> a new one-week countdown begins), while a CFJ blocks it indefinitely.
> >>
> >> Of course an officer can respond to an informal correction by
> >> publishing a CoE themselves.
> >
> > I do have a doubt. Can a CoE challenge something that was already
> > ratified? I.e., can we challenge any content of the latest report before
> > it ratifies?
> Per Rule 2201, as long as the document was published within the past 180
> days, it can still be issued, and the publisher of the document still
> SHALL / SHOULD respond. However, if it already self-ratified, then none
> of that will retroactively undo that self-ratification; at that point,
> you would need to do something else, like propose "five widgets are
> hereby transferred from Alice to Bob".

Adding on to this, when a report self-ratifies it retroactively becomes
true as of the time of publication. If that sounds weird, you can think of
it as us pretending the report was true when it was published once it's
gone unchallenged for long enough. So it would be perfectly reasonable for
an officer to deny a CoE with "this was incorrect when published, but has
already self-ratified".



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