On 11/16/24 7:13 PM, Katherina Walshe-Grey via agora-discussion wrote:

This is, to my knowledge (after a brief search through the archives),
the first time in modern Agora that messages in Discord/IRC/Matrix have
been recognised as argument or evidence in judicial proceedings.

I'd welcome feedback on this move, whether positive or negative. It's
interesting to me how the way we communicate has evolved over time, and
how that affects our day-to-day social norms.

I like this. Interesting and relevant discussions happen there, but not everyone can or wants to follow those venues (nor should they be expected to since they're not public fora). In addition, even for those who participate it's not hard to fall behind in the conversation.

Collector, Illuminator, Prime Minister
Hat: steampunk hat
Vitality: alive
Bang holdings: 2

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