On 9/23/24 11:10 PM, ais523 via agora-business wrote:
On Mon, 2024-09-23 at 23:06 -0500, Kiako via agora-business wrote:
I am interested in acting as a judge for a CFJ(s), i.e., I stand up.
I am interested in peer-reviewing theses.
I am interested in delegating for an office eligible for a vacation.
(to start with, let's say an office with complexity at most 2)
(These are general interests, not pertaining to any specific CFJ,
thesis, or office; just thought it'd be nice to get a bit more involved
with happenings. I'm aware the latter two are untracked, but I hope
the intention is still helpful.)
I think you meant to flag the Arbitor, rather than the Referee?
(Although if someone submits a CFJ to me rather than the Arbitor, I
will keep you in mind as a possible judge.)
Whoops, yep! Completely forgot to fix that. Glad to know I still made
the list :)