On 8/28/24 5:23 PM, Paul McDowell via agora-discussion wrote:
Does it? If I run out, it becomes impossible for me to uphold the next
instance of the pledge, even if I try to. Surely if it's impossible to
uphold a pledge, one can't be considered to have broken it.
Rule 2531 (Defendant's Rights):
(3) the infraction was for failure to take an action that the
infracter, through no fault of eir own, COULD NOT have
If you deliberately impose the obligation on yourself, that's a tough
bar to clear unless something very unexpected happens (e.g., a scamster
significantly changes the gamestate in a way you couldn't reasonably
Maybe there's another out in the rules that I'm not aware of, though.
Hat: steampunk hat
Vitality: alive
Bang holdings: 1