Proto-Proposal: No double harvest redux
(AI = 3)

Amend Rule 2124 (Performing Tabled Actions) by replacing this text:

      An intent is ripe if was tabled within the past 14 days, the
      Speaker hasn't objected to it in the past 48 hours, and its
      conditions, if any, are each clearly and unambiguously met.

with this text:

      Untabling an intent is secured at the power of the rule enabling
      that action to be performed, and occurs immediately after the
      performance of an action that causes it to be untabled.

      An intent is ripe if was tabled within the past 14 days, it hasn't
      been untabled, the Speaker hasn't objected to it in the past 48
      hours, and its conditions, if any, are each clearly and
      unambiguously met.

Which tabled actions should untable relevant events once performed, and
how should each one restrict its scope?

Current actions With N Support:
  * R1006, resign while appointing successor
  * R2651, initiate election
  * R2689, flip delegate from None
  * R911, group-file Motion to Reconsider / Moot
  * R2480, start a Festival
  * R103, replace Speaker after 90 days

Current actions Without N Objections:
  * R478, flip publicity
  * R2646, deregister inactive player after 60 days
  * R1607, distribute otherwise undistributable proposal
  * R2221, clean / refile rule
  * R1006, vacate voluntary (elected or sortitioned) office
  * R2202, ratify document
  * R991, assign oneself to unassigned CFJ
  * R2450, destroy pledge
  * R2618, revoke promise from Library
  * R1742, terminate contract
  * R2576, transfer / destroy Lost and Found Department assets
  * R2465, declare apathy
  * R2415, award badge
  * R2566, end tournament with no winner
  * R2495, initiate / amend birthday tournament

Current actions With N Agoran Consent:
  * R2606, flip proposal to democratic
  * R2493, enact / amend / repeal regulation
  * R2614, enact / amend / repeal Emergency Regulation
  * R2614, Extend the Emergency
  * R2630, enact / amend / repeal Administrative Regulation
  * R2573, impeach officer
  * R2689, become delegate
  * R2632, flip complexity
  * R2676, forgive infraction within 30 days
  * R2585, declare Agoran Birthday
  * R649, award Patent Title
  * R2415, award badge
  * R1367, award degree
  * R2581, award Tapecutter etc.
  * R2582, award Silver Quill etc.
  * R2463, vacate Prime Minister (the one that started this discussion)
  * R2566, initiate tournament

Current actions With T notice:
  * R2646, deactivate player
  * R2614, repeal Emergency Regulations
  * R2689, take vacation
  * R2472, Demand Resignation from Overpowered player
  * R2556, deregister player with 40+ blots


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