Since this would mean that players will generally spend 5 spendies to
keep the cashflow of everyone, I would propose instead:
- Make the maximum N to be 20 to account for that
or (not exclusive)
- Add an additional reward to whoever participated in the anti-pirate
  defense (proportional to their participation, or fixed reward, or
  competitive reward. Still not exclusive or’s)

(Sat, Aug 03, 2024 at 07:15:24PM GMT) Mischief via agora-discussion :
> Proto-Proposal: "Yo Ho Ho!" (AI=1)
> Amend rule 2690 (Spendies) by replacing the sentence reading:
>       At the beginning of each month, every player is granted 20
>       Spendies.
> with:
>       At the beginning of each month, every player is granted 5 + N
>       Spendies, where N is the lesser of 15 or the total number of
>       times that players contributed to anti-pirate defense in the
>       previous month.
> and appending at the end of that rule, as a new paragraph:
>       A player may contribute to anti-pirate defense by paying a fee
>       of 5 Spendies.
> -- 
> Mischief
> Collector
> Hat: steampunk hat
> Vitality: ghostly
> Bang holdings: 0

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