Create a rule entitled "The Veblen" with power 0.5 reading:

      The Veblen is a unique indestructible fixed asset.

      Ownership of the Veblen is entirely restricted to Agora and
      players. If the Veblen is owned by the Lost and Found Department
      or in abeyance, it is immediately transferred to Agora.

      The Veblen Cost is a secured switch with values of positive
      integers and a default of 1.

      Any player CAN pay a fee of X Spendies to transfer the Veblen to
      to emself, where X is a value greater than or equal to the
      current Veblen Cost. Upon doing so, e gains ownership of the
      Veblen, and the Veblen Cost is set to X+1.

      The Veblen Cost and the ownership of the Veblen are tracked by
      the Absurdor.

      The owner of the Veblen SHOULD conspicuously show off eir
      ownership of it from time to time.

Hat: steampunk hat
Vitality: Ghostly
Bang holdings: 1

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