On 4/23/24 00:21, mqyhlkahu via agora-business wrote:
> Hello,
> We formally declare our intent to perform the following action(s):
> {{{
>     In accordance with [1], we announce that we Push the Boulder, thereby
>     increasing its Height by 1.
>        [1]  Rule 2683/1 (Power=0.5)
> }}}
> Thank you.
> ----------------
> After all, you can cut the flowers, but the weather is everywhere.

So I think this works, but this is *very* close to accidentally being a
tabled intent under R1728 rather than actually pushing the bolder. I
would generally avoid saying you "intend" to do something or declare
"intent" to do something unless you mean to table an intent.

For instance, in this case, "We push the boulder." would suffice and is

Janet Cobb

Assessor, Rulekeepor, S​tonemason

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