Huh. You cannot officially require the referee to investigate a non-player
via noting.

On Mon, Mar 25, 2024, 12:14 PM Gaelan Steele via agora-business <> wrote:

> I create the following proposal:
> ---
> Title: yes, yes, I got the memo
> Author: Gaelan
> AI: 1.7
> Amend rule 2478 (“Justice”) by replacing: {
>   A player CAN, by announcement, "note" an unforgiven infraction
>   committed by any other player in the last 14 days, specifying the
>   incident and the rule it violates (or name of the Infraction if
>   it has one).
> } with {
>   A player CAN, by announcement, "note" an unforgiven infraction
>   committed by any other player in the last 14 days, specifying the
>   incident and the rule it violates (or name of the Infraction if
>   it has one); but a player CANNOT note an infraction that has
>   already been investigated.
> }
> [Currently, if an infraction is noted after it is investigated,
> the Investigator SHALL but CANNOT investigate it. This would be
> automatically forgiven by 2531, so it’s not an issue in practice,
> but let’s fix it properly.]
> ---
> Gaelan

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