CoE: I destroyed the crystals in L&FD

On Sat, Mar 23, 2024, 10:58 AM Sarah S. via agora-official <> wrote:

> I deputise for the vacant office of Geologist and file the below weekly
> report.
> All instability switches are 0 except where otherwise noted. Crystal
> followed by a number is shorthand for a crystal with identity of that
> number
> =Snail=
> Total size of crystals: 11
> Snail owns Crystal 2463 with size 2.
> Snail owns Crystal 2659 with size 2.
> Snail owns Crystal 2451 with size 2.
> Snail owns Crystal 2645 with size 2.
> Snail owns Crystal 2438 with size 3.
> =Murphy=
> Murphy owns Crystal 2642 with size 2.
> =Aris=
> Aris owns Crystal 105 with size 3
> =kiako=
> Kiako owns Crystal 2640 with size 2
> =Janet=
> Total size of crystals: 6
> Janet owns Crystal 869, with size 3.
> Janet owns Crystal 2201, with size 3.
> =L&FD=
> L&FD  owns Crystal 2685, with size 1 and instability 2.
> L&FD  owns Crystal 1607, with size 3.
> L&FD  owns Crystal 106, with size 3.
> ===Events===
> March 3: Proposal 9058 adopted, granting Aris Crystal 105 with size 3
> March 11: Proposal 9062 adopted, granting Kiako Crystal 2640 with size 2
> March 15: 4st deregisters, transferring all crystals e owns to Lost and
> Found Department
> March 18: Proposal 9069 adopted, increasing the size of Crystal 2685 to 2
> and the instability of Crystal 2685 (which was then owned by Lost and Found
> Department) to 2. As the Crystal's instability is equal to, not greater
> than its size, it remains owned by the L&FD
> March 23: Proposal 9071 adopted, granting snail Crystal 2645 with size 2.
> March 23: Proposal 9072 adopted, granting snail Crystal 2438 with size 3

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