nix wrote:
On 3/14/24 15:08, 4st nomic via agora-discussion wrote:
On Mon, Mar 11, 2024 at 3:53 PM nix via agora-business <> wrote:
On 3/11/24 17:41, Gaelan Steele via agora-business wrote:
CFJ: There exists a rule 105.
I number this CFJ 4069. I assign CFJ 4069 to 4st.
Also, I do plan to still judge this, whether or not I'm deregistered by
then, and whether or not it is possible for me to provide a judgement.
I will probably provide a draft late tomorrow.
As a point of clarification, the possible values of a judge switch are
'any person or former person, or "unassigned"' (R991). You are still the
lawful judge of this CFJ, so feel free to judge away.
Yeah, that was an intentional change from a while back, to avoid "this
assignment is ambiguously active because we're not sure whether the
judge is a player". And I guess "former person" is to avoid the risk of
accidentally requiring old CFJs judged by a corporation to be assigned
a new judge, even though they have a judgement well past the point of
reasonable appeal.