On 2/27/24 09:49, 4st nomic via agora-business wrote: > I petition the Herald to deny reviewing my thesis nor accept it as a thesis. > Ample time was given for players to review it, and no reviews were provided. > If players don't care about theses, then don't force them to review it. > Players will not want to award it the proper merit it deserves, because > work was thrust upon them. > Particularly, backed by data as the thesis shows, awarded/older players, > who will likely be doing the reviewing, and the definitive trend of awards > for Agora as a whole, will be biased to deny any such award to a relatively > unawarded and relatively young player, myself. > Therefore, I do not wish to submit this thesis at this time, nor any time > soon. (Frankly, I should have seen those facts when I first submitted the > draft.)
It was never submitted to a review process and at the time this email was sent, I had already privately sent 4st a review of this thesis. I reject the idea that because nobody read a draft once, that means nobody cares at all. Someone else recently DM'd me to ask me to read their upcoming thesis. I readily agreed to. Asking someone specifically is a lot more effective than putting it out there and hoping someone does. -- nix