Hi Murphy,

Edward Murphy via agora-discussion [2024-01-28 13:34]:
> juan wrote:
> >                            The 27th of October of 2023
> >                                       is
> >                            Murphy's 16th Agoran Birthday!
> Actually that was my third registration; I confirm that the following
> registrations were also me:
>   (v) Murphy <emurph...@socal.rr.com> (< 1996-01-23--2007-09-24)
>   (d) Murphy <emurph...@zoho.com> (2007-10-27--2017-11-17)
> Proto: The day(s) on which a player re-registered are eir Unbirthday(s).

I'm terribly sorry. I know what happened. Your first registration date
is recorded as `< 1996-01-23`. Lexicographically, that is *larger*
than the following registration (which doesn't have a `<`).

I'm actually not sure how to fix this situation. I am required by the
rules to announce Murphy's birthday in a timely manner after its date. On
the other hand, I simply cannot do it. Murphy's first registration is,
as evidenced by the records, prior to 1996-01-23. But that's it. There
are no other records.

As, in this case, “the infracter [me] could not have avoided the
infraction when exercising the highest reasonably possible standard
of care”, any such infraction would be automatically forgiven.

All this rests on the fact that, as far as I'm aware, Murphy has not
chosen another day as eir birthday. Please do so.


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