On 11/29/23 15:40, nix via agora-business wrote:
> On 11/26/23 02:56, secretsnail9 via agora-business wrote:
>> I respond to the petition as follows: worth a shot!
>> I intend, with 2 Agoran Consent, to enact the following regulation as
>> Herald:
>> {
>> (Herald Administrative Regulation MAZE)
>> Each player CAN award emself the Patent Title "Rookie" by announcement if e
>> satisfies the following conditions:
>> 1. E has, through game actions e has taken, caused a switch to flip.
>> 2. E has created and destroyed an asset in the same message.
>> 3. E has submitted a proposal.
>> 4. E has tabled an intent.
>> 5. E has voted.
>> 6. E has no Patent Titles prior to awarding emself this patent title.
>> 7. E has cited all conditions e has fulfilled
>> other than this one.
>> A player SHOULD attempt to figure these out on eir own by asking
>> questions, research, and the like, and SHOULD NOT look at the sources cited
>> for unfinished items for a player who has completed it. (This is to help
>> you understand the rules better, not to just get an easy patent title, so
>> it's not punishable to look, the act of looking is perceived to be the
>> punishment itself.)
>> }
> I object to this intent. 2 is oddly specific, 6 disqualifies a lot of
> people I would think would be good candidates for this. Might suggest
> tweaking 6 to disqualifying only champion titles so people aren't locked
> out for badges or six months service.
> All that said, I'd rather see a more meaningful version of this, like a
> yearly Rookie of the Year.

Also I think 1 trivially happens when you register since your
citizenship switch is flipped, so that might need to be more specific too.


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