On 8/25/23 15:24, Gaelan Steele via agora-discussion wrote:
>> On Aug 25, 2023, at 10:34 AM, Katherina Walshe-Grey via agora-business 
>> <agora-busin...@agoranomic.org> wrote:
>> I CFJ: "It is generally POSSIBLE to alter the holder of the office of
>> Distributor without objection."
>> This arose in Agoran't, whose ruleset is still similar enough to Agora's
>> that the same question is of interest in Agora. Note that this judgement
>> will not set precedent (preceden't?) in Agoran't, though. (I leave it to
>> someone else to raise the same CFJ there if they think it's worth
>> questioning.)
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Rule 2575/3 (Power=3)
>> The Distributor
>>      The Distributor is an imposed office whose holder is generally
>>      responsible for the management of the primary Agoran fora. The
>>      holder CANNOT be changed except without objection or by proposal.
>>      Rules to the contrary notwithstanding, the Distributor CANNOT
>>      deregister or be deregistered.
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Rule 2573 seems to anticipate that players might want to appoint a
>> Distributor in one of two different ways: without objection, or by
>> proposal. But, at least on a casual reading, it doesn't seem to actually
>> define those methods - just prevent anything else. Proposals can already
>> take effect as defined in other rules, of course, but there isn't (to my
>> knowledge) any other rule purporting to allow the change of an
>> officeholder without objection.
>> So I guess the question is: Is this casual reading correct? Or does a
>> statement "X CANNOT be done except by Y" necessarily imply that "X CAN
>> be done by Y”?
> Grat.: It is, of course, possible to change the distributor through RWO;
> although I suspect that’s not the intent, you could read the “except
> without objection” as a reference to that.
> Gaelan

That's not a method for the Distributor to be changed (by a person)
without objection. That's a method to cause R1551 to change the
Distributor (which R2575 purports to prohibit but cannot due to power).

Janet Cobb

Assessor, Rulekeepor, S​tonemason

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