On Fri, Jun 23, 2023 at 2:45 PM 4st nomic <4st.no...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Fri, Jun 23, 2023 at 10:51 AM Kerim Aydin via agora-official <
> agora-offic...@agoranomic.org> wrote:
>> The below CFJ is 4044.  I assign it to 4st.
>> status: https://faculty.washington.edu/kerim/nomic/cases/#4044
>> ===============================  CFJ 4044  ===============================
>>       On or about 2023-06-12, G. won the game.
>> ==========================================================================
>> Caller:                        Janet
>> Judge:                         4st
>> ==========================================================================
>> History:
>> Called by Janet:                                  23 Jun 2023 16:28:37
>> Assigned to 4st:                                  [now]
>> ==========================================================================
>> Caller's Arguments:
>> This comes down to whether P8988 (adopted without dispute) affected the
>> continuity of previous "signatures". I argue that, after it took affect,
>> nobody had "signed" a rice plan. "Sign"ing, in the new text, is a
>> specific by action performed by announcement that necessarily could not
>> have been performed before the proposal was adopted. The condition of
>> "having signed" a rice plan is evaluated continuously, and must
>> therefore always use the current definition in force.
>> Even if redefining the action could allow continuity with some previous
>> action, Judge ais523 found in CFJ 4032 that "consent" to Rice Plans was
>> not a specific action, but a continuous state to be evaluated using
>> either natural-language standards of consent or an adaptation of R2519,
>> yielding similar results, but in neither case requiring a regulated
>> action of any form.
>> R1586 ("Definition and Continuity of Entities") is irrelevant. Rice
>> Plans are clearly continuous, but "signatures" are not entities under
>> either the current or former version of the rule.
>> Caller's Evidence:
>> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
>> ID: 8988
>> Title: Rice rewrite
>> Adoption index: 1.0
>> Author: Janet
>> Co-authors: snail
>> Amend the rule entitled "The Rice Game" to read, in whole:
>> {
>> The Ricemastor is an office.
>> Rice is a fixed asset tracked by the Ricemastor, with ownership wholly
>> restricted to players. If a rice would otherwise be in abeyance or is
>> owned by the Lost and Found Department, it is destroyed.
>> An active player CAN create a rice plan by announcement once per week,
>> specifying two sets of players (the rice up set and the rice down set).
>> When a rice plan is harvested, each active player in the rice up set
>> gains one rice, then one rice is revoked from each player in the rice
>> down set (if e has any). The Ricemastor's weekly report includes a list
>> of rice plans. The creator of a rice plan CAN by announcement destroy
>> it, thereby causing it to cease to be a rice plan.
>> An active player CAN by announcement sign a specified rice plan. An
>> active player's signature is on a rice plan if e has signed it or if a
>> contract e is party to clearly and unambiguously states that eir
>> signature is on it. The Ricemastor's weekly report includes, for each
>> rice plan, a list of players with signatures on it.
>> A harvest occurs at the beginning of each week. When a harvest occurs,
>> the following happen in order:
>> * The rice plan with the most signatures (breaking ties in favor of the
>> earliest created), if any, is harvested.
>> * All rice plans are destroyed.
>> Immediately after a harvest, if a single active player has at least 2
>> rice and more rice than any other player, e wins the game, then all rice
>> and rice plans are destroyed. If the game has been won in this manner
>> three times, this rule immediately repeals itself.
>> }
>> [
>> Changes:
>> - Generally cleaned up wording
>> - Handle rice at Lost and Found
>> - Harvesting a plan now grants rice before revoking (handling the case
>> where a person is in both the up and down sets)
>> - Use "CAN" for enabling
>> - Use a by announcement action or contract for signatures, rather than
>> "consent"
>> - Added a clarity requirement for contract-based signatures
>> - Removed Fancy Caps
>> ]
>> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Rule 2682/0 (Power=1)
>> The Rice Game
>>       The Ricemastor is an office, in charge of tracking Rice, Rice
>>       Plans and Signatures. Rice is a fixed asset, ownable only by
>>       players. Any active player can create a Rice Plan by announcement,
>>       if e hasn't done so yet in the current week. Rice Plans can have
>>       Signatures, and each Signature must be of an active player. A Rice
>>       Plan has an active player's Signature as long as that player is
>>       consenting to it. An active player can destroy a Rice Plan that e
>>       has created by announcement.
>>       A Harvest occurs at the beginning of each week. When this occurs:
>>       - If there is only one Rice Plan with the most Signatures, that
>>         Rice Plan is Harvested.
>>       - If there is more than one Rice Plan with the most Signatures,
>>         the one that was created earliest is Harvested.
>>       - In all other cases, nothing happens.
>>       And then all Rice Plans are destroyed and the Harvest ends.
>>       Rice Plans consist of two lists of players, with each list having
>>       no repeated players, and the lists can be empty. One of these
>>       lists is its Rice Up list, and the other is its Rice Down list.
>>       When a Rice Plan is Harvested, for each player listed in its Rice
>>       Up list, if that player is active, e gains 1 Rice; and for each
>>       player listed in its Rice Down list, if e has at least 1 Rice then
>>       e lose 1 Rice.
>>       If after a Harvest there is a single active player with at least 2
>>       Rice and more Rice than any other player, then that player wins
>>       the game, and all Rice is destroyed. When the game has been won in
>>       this manner three times, this rule repeals itself.
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Rule 2682/1 (Power=1)
>> The Rice Game
>>       The Ricemastor is an office.
>>       Rice is a fixed asset tracked by the Ricemastor, with ownership
>>       wholly restricted to players. If a rice would otherwise be in
>>       abeyance or is owned by the Lost and Found Department, it is
>>       destroyed.
>>       An active player CAN create a rice plan by announcement once per
>>       week, specifying two sets of players (the rice up set and the rice
>>       down set).  When a rice plan is harvested, each active player in
>>       the rice up set gains one rice, then one rice is revoked from each
>>       player in the rice down set (if e has any). The Ricemastor's
>>       weekly report includes a list of rice plans. The creator of a rice
>>       plan CAN by announcement destroy it, thereby causing it to cease
>>       to be a rice plan.
>>       An active player CAN by announcement sign a specified rice plan.
>>       An active player's signature is on a rice plan if e has signed it
>>       or if a contract e is party to clearly and unambiguously states
>>       that eir signature is on it. The Ricemastor's weekly report
>>       includes, for each rice plan, a list of players with signatures on
>>       it.
>>       A harvest occurs at the beginning of each week. When a harvest
>>       occurs, the following happen in order:
>>       * The rice plan with the most signatures (breaking ties in favor
>>         of the earliest created), if any, is harvested.
>>       * All rice plans are destroyed.
>>       Immediately after a harvest, if a single active player has at
>>       least 2 rice and more rice than any other player, e wins the game,
>>       then all rice and rice plans are destroyed. If the game has been
>>       won in this manner three times, this rule immediately repeals
>>       itself.
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> [R2682/1 did not appear in any published ruleset. The purported R2682/2
>> did (under the incorrect belief that P8989 took effect), which differs
>> from R2682/1 only in saying "at least 5 rice" in the final paragraph.
>> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Gratuitous Arguments by G.:
>> "Sign" is not an arbitrary word, but a word with a common definition
>> in the context of documents (or document-like things such as Rice
>> Plans).  A perfectly common and natural definition of "signing" a
>> thing is to add one's signature to the thing.  In adjudicating Rule
>> 2682/0 in CFJ 4032, before "sign" was explicitly in that rule, Judge
>> ais523 literally uses the term as a direct and specific synonym for
>> adding a signature to a plan under the old rule:
>> > "a Rice Plan has X's signature" is a synonym for "X is consenting to
>> > {the Rice Plan / the Rice Plan being signed}"
>> Signatures were added to the plans in question under R2682/0 and not
>> removed, so the plans were "signed" by common and obvious definition
>> at the time of the change from R2682/0 to R2682/1.  So when this text
>> came into effect:
>> > An active player's signature is on a rice plan if e has signed it
>> The fact that those plans had been signed remained true under the new
>> rule as well as the old (there was never a moment when it wasn't true,
>> during that transition).
>> ==========================================================================
> I find that this all hinges upon the final paragraph of the caller's
> argument.
> Rice plans are an entity, and "has an active player's Signature"
> or "An active player's signature is on" is an attribute of that entity,
> and thus, I find that R1586 is NOT irrelevant.
> Specifically, in R1586:
> "If the entity that defines another entity is amended such that it
>       defines the second entity both before and after the amendment, but
>       with different attributes, then the second entity and its
>       attributes continue to exist to whatever extent is possible under
>       the new definitions.
> "
> The attributes of signatures of Rice Plans have not been changed
> significantly enough to claim that previous signatures do not exist,
> because it is very clearly possible for them to exist.
> To further address the caller's arguments, however:
> In the first paragraph: Agreed, the new by announcement action of signing
> could not have been performed before adoption.
> And it can also be agreed that "having signed" was always in force before
> adoption, as per the old ruling.
> Thus, rice plans had an attribute before and after the proposal was
> adopted, providing continuity, which is governed by R1586.
> In the second paragraph: I do not need to rule on the continuity of the
> action itself, so I will not. It sounds complicated and irrelevant.
> I would like to rule as they are continuous if it makes anyone feel
> better, but I will not do so officially.
> I find the arguments by G to also be compelling, but mainly, R1586 has
> provided a solid resolution to his conundrum.
> Thus, I judge this to be TRUE.
> --
> 4ˢᵗ
> Deputy Herald and Deputy Prime Minister
> Uncertified Bad Idea Generator

er, typo:
to THIS* conundrum.

Deputy Herald and Deputy Prime Minister
Uncertified Bad Idea Generator

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