I guess I felt like drafting today!
Team is a player text switch defaulting to the first word of a player's
The Teamster tracks teams monthly.

Once each month, each player CAN, by announcement, set their team to any
one word.

When a player wins, each player that has had eir team switch set the same
as that player for at least a week also win.

Left and Right are player switches that can have a value of any player,
defaulting to emself. Once each week, each player CAN, by announcement,
either set eir Left to any player, or set eir Right to any player.

Left and Right are tracked by the Lorax.

A player CAN reach a player on eir Left or on eir Right, or on the Left or
Right of any player e can reach. When a player announces that e can reach
all players, e wins, and all Lefts and all Rights are set to their defaults.

Elements are text. Existing elements and combinations are tracked by the
Alchemist. Once each week, a player CAN, by announcement, specify 2
existing elements to combine if this combination has not been attempted.
(Elements are not deleted this way, and combinations are symmetric.)
When e does so, any other player can, with support, specify the resulting
element, which can be a new element.

Once 10 different combinations that result in Gold exist, all players who
made those combinations win, and repeal this rule.

(Then create the elements Fire, Air, Water, Earth).

C'thulu CAN and SHALL eat Orbles in a timely manner, unconditionally by
announcement. After C'thulu eats Orbles, increase eir Vonks by 1, and e is
no longer C'thulu.
Any player CAN, once per week by commitment, identify any other player to
be C'thulu.
It is POSSIBLE and ILLEGAL to eat Orbles unconditionally by announcement if
you are not C'thulu.
Only the most recent player specified as C'thulu is C'thulu.
A player was never actually specified as C'thulu if the Plaintext of
identity is not revealed in an officially timely manner.

The Crabbity tracks Vonks, which are a player integer switch. When a player
has 10 or more Vonks, e CAN, by announcement, wake up. When e does so, e
wins the game, and repeal this rule.
  • DIS: More Drafts 4st nomic via agora-discussion

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