On 5/25/23 11:00, Yachay Wayllukuq via agora-business wrote: > As annoying as it is, it seems perfectly legal to do, to me. > > I create and submit the following Proposal: > > Title: Go Home, You're Drunk > AI: 3 > Author: Yachay > Co-Authors: None > // Comment: This is a hotfix to the still-open issue of ais' Dancing Around > the Town Fountain scam. > // Comment: Retroactive changes are secured at Power 3, hence the AI of 3. > > Retroactively make it so that this rule has been in effect since this > Proposal was created. > > Title: No more Dancing > Power: 3 > Persons CANNOT Raise the First Speaker in a powerful dance around the Town > Fountain. Then, if Rule 2680 no longer exists, repeal the rule "No more > Dancing".
It's legal, it's just generally bad form. And this is way overkill. Please don't make me figure out how or even if this works. -- Janet Cobb Assessor, Rulekeepor, Stonemason