Here's a go at incorporating all these thoughts: ===================================== Proto: Human Resources v0.02 AI: 2
Retitle Rule 2632 (Complexity) to "Office Worth". Amend Rule 2632 to read in full: Complexity is a natural office switch reflecting how complex it is to fulfill the duties of its office. It has a default of 10 and a maximum value of 40. Perkiness is a natural office switch reflecting the degree of game advantage an officer might legally realize through discretionary choices made during the exercise of eir office. It has a default of 0 and a maximum value of 40. The Worth of an office is its Complexity minus its Perkiness, with a minimum of 0. The ADoP tracks Complexity and Perkiness, and CAN, with 2 Agoran consent, flip the Complexity or Perkiness (or both simultaneously) of an office to specified possible values. [I translated the current 0-3 range to 0-40 instead of 0-30, because if we go with weekly rewards like setting dreams, the maximum could be scaled to earning that ability 4 weeks of the month with a 40 Unit payout] BE IT RESOLVED: The complexity of each office is hereby set to 10 times the complexity of that office as defined immediately before this proposal took effect. BE IT RESOLVED: The ADoP is hereby PETITIONED to lead a discussion on appropriate values for Perkiness for each office, and to then set perkinessess as able via the tabled action process and as guided by the discussion. Enact the following Rule, Wages. Labor Tokens are a fixed currency tracked by the ADoP, with ownership entirely restricted to Players. Each time a player performs an Act of Labor, the [officer or self- service?] associated with the condition CAN once by announcement, and SHALL in an officially timely fashion, grant the associated number of labor tokens to the player. Below is a list of Acts of Labor, their associated office, and number of labor tokens: * Publishing an office's weekly or monthly report, provided that publication was the first report published for that office in the relevant time period (week or month respectively) to fulfill an official weekly or monthly duty: 1 labor token times the worth of the office (ADoP). * Resolving a referendum, provided that no other referendum had been resolved earlier in that Agoran week: 1 labor token times the worth of the office of Assessor (ADoP). * Judging a CFJ that e was assigned to without violating a time limit to do so, unless at the time of judgement the case was open due to self-filing a motion to reconsider it: 4 labor tokens (Arbitor). [The language above is from when we rewarded tasks via Coins, which is reasonably well tested in terms of equating relative effort of different tasks. In terms of absolute amounts there's bound to be a bunch of tweaking/discussion before the next draft...] Enact a Rule, Daydreams, with Power=2 and the following text: A player CAN daydream, specifying a dream, for a fee of 10 labor tokens. If exactly one wandering has occurred since a player last daydreamed, that player is subject to the effects of having eir dream set to eir last specified daydream, in addition to being subject to any effects of eir current dream. [that "subject to the effects of ... in addition to any effects" is hopefully clear in intent, though may need some technical wordsmithing either here or on a per-dream basis in order to function.] [On purpose, this doesn't stack - one bonus daydream per wandering is the max buy.] [Needs to be power=2 because it enables a voting strength bonus.] [Just noticed the "If exactly one wandering has occurred" has a bit of a bug if a player daydreams on two successive weeks - noting that for later.] TODO: add Labor Token Decay to one of the above rule texts. =====================================