On 5/19/23 00:00, ais523 via agora-discussion wrote:
> On Thu, 2023-05-18 at 23:09 -0400, Janet Cobb via agora-official wrote:
>> The full text of each ADOPTED proposal is included below:
> [snip]
>> Grant each player that did not vote FOR this proposal 2 blots.
> Whoever decided to propose this immediately before several new players
> joined (with timing that meant that they had no ability to vote on it
> and thus save themself from the blots), you should be ashamed of
> yourself. (I think it was mentioned at the time that it was unfair on
> inactive players – we missed that it'd be unfair on new players too,
> but it's a similar principle.)
> The players who have been around a little longer should probably be
> working on cleaning them off the players who just joined? I'm willing
> to use my weekly expunge on this, but am not sure which of the new
> players to use it on. (I'm planning to use it later this week on one of
> the new players, whoever's had the least help from other established
> players, randomizing if there's a tie.)

It doesn't do anything. It has insufficient power to create blots.

Janet Cobb

Assessor, Rulekeepor, S​tonemason

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