On 4/18/23 13:52, Janet Cobb via agora-discussion wrote:
On 4/18/23 11:38, nix via agora-discussion wrote:
Title: An Experiment in Fiscal Responsibility
AI: 1.5
Author: nix
Co-Authors: Janet, 4st, G.
Retitle R2656 to "Radiance and the Radiologist".
Amend R2656 by replacing "tracked by the Herald" with "tracked by the
Re-enact rule 1957 at Power=1 with the title "Budgets" and the following
A Budget Switch is a switch defined as such by the Rules.
A Proposed Budget is a document purporting to be such and listing
clear and unambiguous proposed values for each Budget Switch
tracked by a given office. During the nomination period of an
election for an office, if that office trackes any Budget
Switches, each candidate SHOULD publish a Proposed Budget.
"clearly labeled as a Proposed Budget"
Changed to "clearly labeled as such" in the next version.
When an election is resolved with a winner, all Budget Switches
tracked by that office are flipped to the corresponding value in
the Proposed Budget the winner submitted during the nomination
period, if e did so. Otherwise, they remain at their current
Do you want to handle the case of the winner publishing multiple such
Yes, good point. I'll make it just be the last thing they publish (with
a minimum of 1 day to prevent scams) during nomination period.
A player CAN flip a Budget Switch without objection; an officer
required to track a particular Budget Switch CAN flip it without
three objections, or with Agoran Consent.
"flip a specified Budget Switch to a specified valid value without
object" >:(
Amend R2657 to read in full:
For each Radiance Condition, there is a corresponding non-negative
integer budget switch, with a default value of 0, tracked by the
Radiologist in eir weekly report.
"singleton switch"
Each time a player fulfills a radiance condition, e CAN once,
within 14 days, by announcement (specifying any indicated info)
gain X radiance, where X is that radiance condition's budget
switch's value.
"X is Agora's value for that radiance condition's budget switch".
Is there something ineffective about mine? I'm not sure how singleton is
more clear.
Below is the complete list of radiance conditions:
* Being the author of a proposal that takes effect, at the
instant it finishes taking effect (must specify proposal
* Being a coauthor of a proposal that takes effect, at the
instant it finishes taking effect (must specify proposal
* Having an Agoran Birthday.
"Having an Agoran Birthday, at the instant that Birthday begins".
Why does this need to be changed from how it has been already?
Prime Minister, Herald