Here's the results. Thanks for participating, hope it is useful info!

7 Respondents: nix, G., Janet, 4st, Yachay, juan, Murphy

Desktop Clients Used
4 - Thunderbird
4 - Gmail
1 - neomutt

Mobile Clients Used
4 - Gmail
1 - Fairmail
1 - k9

Game Check Frequency
5 daily
1 2-3 times a week
1 weekly

Discord Check Frequency
4 daily
3 never

IRC Check Frequency
6 never
2 rarely

Matrix Check Frequency
1 daily
6 never

Asssitive Technology
7 No

Agora-Specific Email Address
7 No
1 Yes

Website Pages
6 SLR and/or FLR
4 Archives

Open-Ended Answers

How do you organize agora emails?

THEMES: mail filters/labels

"I use an alias and a filter that sends them all to a main folder. I
use another filter for intents to get noted, and a filter to label each
message by which list it came from (so I can have them nicely

"Filter all list mails into one time-sequential folder.  Sometimes move
stuff I'm working on (like several emails of gratuitous arguments on a
cfj) to a temp folder."

"Filters to put all Agora messages into a gmail label. Thunderbird tags
for offices (e.g. one for Assessor, one for Stonemason, etc.). I also
have an Arbitor gmail label left over from my brief stint as Arbitor,
and I have an Apathy label for every message containing the word


"I dont yet"

"1. Scan over new arrivals, delete uninteresting (reports for things I
don't keep track).
2. Read remaning.
3. Take actions.
4. Archive onto two separate folders: registrar business and all others,
   plus some special sporadic ones (tournaments)."

"Filter to folders (technically labels), manually move some to others "

How do you access old Agora emails?

THEMES: public archive, download the private archive

"Mostly through the public archives. I rarely use the private archives.
I used them more when I was registrar, to automate knowing the last
time someone sent a message."

"- my tbird archives (2001-present though with some big gaps in the 00s)
- The private archives (primary first criteria for me is often "what
month and year did that happen" binary search)
- grep or other CLI tools on downloaded mboxes (refreshed ~quarterly)."

"Private archives generally. If I need to search for every use of a word,
I use less and the copies of the mboxes I have on my computer."

"public archive usually, also private archive (web)"

"Archive on the website"

"Through the archives on the website (public/private depending on search needs)."

"Save reports to local files like ruleset.txt; "Archive" label; search
private web archives "

Technical Difficulties (excluding "none")

THEMES: gmail formatting annoyances

"There's no easy way for casually interested people to see what's going on, get an idea of what the game *looks* like. "

"- modern gmail and lack of support for things like fixed width, hard
line wrapping, and inline conversations/non-top-posting on replies.
- for newer users, FAQs about current play are limited/rarely up to date."

"I don't find anything particularly difficult email-wise. Maintaining
officer automation is sometimes a burden."

"Gmail accessibility on phone
(replying on a phone is H.A.R.D. replies start above
the old, not below like they should,
and then getting it to recognize what is and isn't quotation...)"

"Im not sure. Emails are sometimes annoying?"

"High message volume during archive searches "

Tech Agora Should Adopt/Use More (excluding "none")

THEMES: integrating other chat & email, integrating other sources of
info in addition to email

"A webforum that still serves emails, like discourse. "

"happy to explore ideas but no stand-out needs - prefer to keep
technical necessities very low."

"quality of life stuff, eg links to spreadsheets, reports...
(The reports look long, and I'd rather have them
open in a new tab or so while I'm playing, but web
gmail doesn't feel nice about having tabs)

integrating discussion fora with traditional chat in some way
(I always feel like I'm leaving out people who are not on discord.)"

"Technical standards for reports or records."

"Something like Blognomic's generic database (perform actions by
      updating relevant entries), with option to generate list of
      recent changes to copy/paste into a report "

Questions to Ask Next Time (exluding "none")

"Where do you place yourself on the new/experienced player spectrum"

Prime Minister, Herald

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