On 4/10/23 15:32, juan via agora-business wrote:
> Janet Cobb via agora-discussion [2023-04-10 15:25]:
>> On 4/10/23 15:06, juan via agora-business wrote:
>>>> 8949*   Janet                   3.0   Might as well ask?
>>> Conditional: FOR if any of the following conditions are met:
>>> - Janet has pledged to vote FOR the first proposal that performs the
>>>   following action, and no others: Turn juan's Emerald Ribbon Ownership
>>>   to true.
>>> - Janet has successfully acted on eir own behalf to award juan a white
>>>   ribbon.
>>> Otherwise, AGAINST.
>> I note the pledge condition is scammable.
>> In general, I will not be politicking or offering compensation to try to
>> see this passed. In my view, I'm asking for forgiveness of a deadline
>> and not extra gameplay advantage, so I won't be offering any other
>> gameplay advantage.
> Wow, ok. Just tried to be cheeky and make a fun little action. Note that
> I also want forgiveness on a missed deadline. Just seemed fair.

Sorry, no rebuke implied. And I admittedly didn't check whether you had
earned that before sending, which I probably should have.

You can \also initiate a Registrar election as the officeholder, and
you'll likely win if you want the ribbon.

> Anyhow, I change my vote on 8949 to FOR.
> P.S.: how scammable?
I could make a pledge to do so with a time limit of 1 second.

Janet Cobb

Assessor, Rulekeepor, S​tonemason

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