On 3/20/23 13:50, Yachay Wayllukuq via agora-discussion wrote:
Thanks, I appreciate it a lot. The search space for Agora is immense and I just don't know if it was a Rule, CFJ, opinion, unwritten convention, or what else.
One thing I like to note for new players: despite the strong opinions of all of us, only Rules really matter. If it's just a convention of play with no backing CFJ or rule, feel free to challenge it. If it's a CFJ with arguments you find unconvincing, feel free to call a new CFJ (with arguments for why you think this situation is different/not properly addressed by the old one).
We do get dogmatic easily. The interpretation of players/officers that are more concerned with a certain part of the game often get deference, mostly for convenience. Other times, a convention of play is transmitted socially, and the rules are never updated to clearly reflect it. Sometimes an interpretation is based on older rule text and the rules have drifted from it.
In every case, fresh eyes (politely) demanding justifications and explanations are good for us. So keep pushing back when something doesn't make sense.
-- nix Prime Minister, Herald, Collector