On Wed, Mar 1, 2023 at 9:38 AM Forest Sweeney via agora-business <agora-busin...@agoranomic.org> wrote: > Unless it has another clear and unambiguous meaning, > for each pair in the following list, text like the first item is > another name for the second item. > - Oppose, Object > - Approve, Support
I'm very much opposed to this approach for common terms without context. I already have to consciously avoid words like "intend" when I need to be informal (like pledge that I plan to do something). To add things like 'oppose' to the list when it's only a direct action-producing synonym for 'object' in a specific limited context seems extremely limiting to communication. Also, I think we've talked about putting a dictionary in a more flexible system than an encoded rule, like a Regulation that can be adjusted with a tabled action not a full proposal for each adjustment? -G.