Proto-Proposal: Schrodinger's Dice
(co-author = ais523)

Amend Rule 2505 (Random Choices) by replacing this text:

                  The selecting person SHOULD make the selection method
      public, and SHOULD use a method for which the final probability
      distribution can be readily confirmed.

with this text:

                  The selecting person SHOULD announce the selection
method ahead of time, SHOULD use a method for which the final
probability distribution can be readily confirmed, and SHALL NOT
perform any other regulated actions between performing the selection
method and announcing its result.

[Maybe these SHOULDs should be upgraded to SHALLs, either across the
 board, or in certain cases such as officer duties. Or we could just
 impeach officers suspected of abusing their discretion. Lying about
 the validity of a method would constitute a No Faking violation,
 though I expect we will continue to generally trust that Agorabot is
 not being tampered with behind the scenes, just as we generally trust
 that no one is using sock-puppet accounts.

 For context, all random choices currently defined are tied to
 offices: the Stonemason for Collection Notices, the Mad Engineer for
 rule selections to mutate the Device, and the Horsened for motivating
 the horses (anyone CAN do it, but the Horsened SHALL do it unless
 someone else already did that week).]

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