On Sun, Feb 5, 2023 at 4:18 PM Edward Murphy via agora-discussion <
agora-discussion@agoranomic.org> wrote:

> Proto-Proposal: Limited tracking
> (AI = 3)
> Amend Rule 2162 (Switches) by replacing "other instances are at their
> default value" with "other tracked instances are at their default
> value".
> Amend Rule 2606 (Proposal Classes) by replacing this text:
>        Proposals created since the enactment of this rule have a secured
>        untracked Class switch with possible values ordinary (the default)
>        and democratic.
> with this text:
>        Proposals created since the enactment of this rule have a secured
>        Class switch, tracked only for proposals in the Proposal Pool,
>        with possible values ordinary (the default) and democratic.
> Amend Rule 1950 (Decisions with Adoption Indices) by replacing this
> text:
>        Adoption index (AI) is an untracked switch possessed by Agoran
>        decisions and proposals, secured at power 2.
> with this text:
>        Adoption index (AI) is a switch possessed by Agoran decisions and
>        proposals, secured at power 2, tracked only for Agoran decisions
>        not yet resolved and proposals in the Proposal Pool.
> Amend Rule 991 (Calls for Judgement) by replacing this text:
>        Judge is an untracked CFJ switch with possible values of any
>        person or former person, or "unassigned" (default).
> with this text:
>        Judge is a CFJ switch, tracked for all CFJs except those which
>        have been assigned a judgement for at least the past week, with
>        possible values of any person or former person, or "unassigned"
>        (default).
Turning it into a required report increases the risk of self-ratifying a
judge off a case - is there really a need for requiring a self-ratifying

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