Title: Slippery Stones v2 Adoption Index: 2.0 Author: nix Co-Author(s): G., ais523, Ja-"the cat"-son, ziproot
Amend R2640, "Stones", by replacing: The escape risk of the stone, which must be a percentage between 0% and 100% inclusive; with: The smoothness of the stone, which is a non-negative integer; and appending to the end the following paragraphs: Mossiness is a Stone switch with values of non-negative integers and a default of 0 tracked by the Stonemason. When a stone is transfered, its Mossiness is set to 0. The mossiest stone(s) in a set of stone is (are) the stone(s) with the highest Mossiness value. The Slipperiness of a stone is that stone's smoothness plus its mossiness. Amend R2641, "Wielding Stones", by replacing: If a stone has a frequency, then it is IMPOSSIBLE to wield that stone if it has been previously wielded in the same Agoran time interval as indicated by its frequency (e.g. if its frequency is daily, if it has been wielded in the same Agoran day). with: A stone with a frequency that has been wielded in the corresponding Agoran time interval is Hot for the remainder of the time period (e.g. if the frequency is daily, it is hot for the remainder of the Agoran day it was wielded during). While a stone is hot, it is IMPOSSIBLE to wield it or to transfer it by any method besides Collection, other rules notwithstanding. Amend R2642, "Distributing Stones", to be titled "Gathering Stones" and to read in full: A player who has not possessed a stone in the last 30 days CAN, by announcement, transfer the mossiest stone (if there is a tie, then a specified stone tied for mossiest) Agora owns to emself. SHOULD specify the stone when doing so. Amend R2643, "Collecting Stones", to read in full: Once per month, the Stonemason CAN publish a Collection Notice by announcement, specifying all necessary information and choices. The Stonemason SHALL publish such a notice in a timely fashion after the beginning of each Agoran month. A Collection Notice includes a random numbers between 1 and 6; this is the Escape Minimum. When a Collection Notice is published, for each player eir non-immune stone with the highest slipperiness equal to or above the Escape Minimum is transferred to Agora. If there is a tie, the Stone Mason selects which one escapes. If e has no such stones, none of eir stones are transferred to Agora. The mossiness of all stones that are not transferred is incremented by 1. Amend R2645, The Stones to read in full: The following stones are defined, one per paragraph, with the following format: Stone Name (Frequency, Smoothness): Scroll. - Power Stone (weekly, 2): A specified player (defaulting to the wielder if not specified) is Power Stoned; Power Stoning is secured. A player's voting strength on a referendum on an ordinary proposal is increased by 3 for each time that e was Power Stoned during the referendum's voting period. - Soul Stone (weekly, 3): The Soul Stone is hereby transferred to the owner of a different specified non-immune stone, then that stone is transferred to the wielder. - Sabotage Stone (weekly, 4): The adoption index of a specified AI-majority Agoran decision is hereby increased by 1. - Jockey Stone (monthly, 3): A specified Running horse's Race Position is increased by 1. - Protection Stone (monthly, 4): A specified stone is granted immunity. - Recursion Stone (Monthly, 4): The recursion stone can be wielded once per month as if it had the power of any other stone of your choice. - Hot Potato Stone (Weekly, 5): When this stone is wielded, the wielder gains 8 boatloads of coins if the wielder, in the same message as the wielding, transfers this stone to a player who has not owned this stone since Agora last owned it. If this stone is not owned by Agora, it cannot otherwise be transferred, other rules notwithstanding. This stone is immune if 3 or more players have wielded it since the most recent collection notice. - Blank Stone (Monthly, 0): This stone has no effect. - Mason's Stone (None, 0): If the Mason's Stone is owned by the Stonemason, its Mossiness is continuously set to 0. If the Mason's Stone is owned by Agora, it is transferred to the Stonemason. - Anti-Equatorial Stone (Monthly, 5): The mossiest stone is transferred to the wielder. When this happens, the Anti-Equatorial Stone's mossiness is incremented by 1. - Score Stone (Weekly, 3): A specified player's (defaulting to the wielder if not specified) Score is increased by 3. -- nix Herald