Create the following power 0.1 rule entitled "Agora's values". edits/additions entirely welcome, i'm not the best writer at all.
{{Nothing in this rule creates a legal obligation. Since Agora's founding over 30 years ago, Agorans have been making not only a game but a certain form of society, with voting, judgements and norms to match. As Agora is a democratic society, we value and respect difference and dissent, As people who respect dissent, we are entirely opposed to rancor, invective and personal abuse.. As people who respect difference, we value differences of opinion. We also hold discrimination based on entirely irrelevant characteristics including race, sex, gender and religion completely repugnant and against everything we stand for. For over 30 years, our commitment to this principle has led us to use gender-neutral pronouns, which you will find throughout these Rules.))