Proto-Proposal: Weekly privileges (AI = 3) [Loosely based on the old Ergs system, basically a currency that was reset weekly. Repeals or otherwise cleans up some loose ends overlooked by R2658.]
Create a rule titled "Weekly Privileges" with Power 2 and this text: Each player CAN do one of the following by announcement, provided that e has not already done any of them during the same week. * Cause a specified person (or emself if no one is specified) to Stuff the Ballot Box. A player's Voting Strength on a referendum on an ordinary proposal is 1 greater for each time e Stuffed the Ballot Box during that decision's voting period. * Expunge a blot from a specified person (or emself if no one is specified). * Cause a specified proposal to become sponsored. Sponsorship is an untracked negative boolean proposal switch. * Gain an Iridium Star. Iridium Stars are a fixed currency with ownership restricted to players. If a player has at least 10 more Iridium Stars than each other player, and no person has won the game this way in the past 30 days, then e CAN Buy the Town by announcement. When a player Buys the Town, e wins the game, then all Iridium Stars are destroyed. The winds die down, as defined by Rule 2658 (The Winds Die Down). [ R2658 then repeals, in this order: * 2620 (Cards and Sets) * 2623 (Popular Proposal Proposer Privilege) * 2629 (Victory Auctions) * 2624 (Card Administration) * 2622 (Pending Proposals) * 2651 (Proposal Recycling) * 2653 (Buying Strength) * All clauses delimited ~>like this<~, in rule number order * itself ] Repeal these rules, in this order: * 2621 (VP Wins) * 2636 (The Ministor) * 2638 (Player Focuses) Amend Rule 2645 (The Stones) by removing the definition of the Concentration Stone. Amend Rule 2654 (The Device) by removing each bullet point containing "Ministry Focus". Amend Rule 2665 (The Birds) by replacing the definitions of the Owl, Pigeon, Penguin, and Jay with the following: - Owl: A specified person (or emself if no one is specified) Stuffs the Ballot Box, as defined by other rules. - Pigeon: A specified person (or emself if no one is specified) has one blot expunged. - Penguin: The playmate gains an Iridium Star. - Jay: A specified proposal becomes sponsored.