I've been thinking about Rule 202. I think its partially ineffective, if not contradictory. The hash-maneuver does not prevent anyone from guessing who proposed what. As there are few proposals, ever, one can hash them all and compare against the hashes associated with players' moves.
Am I mistaken? On May 15, 2022 1:21:27 PM GMT-03:00, nix via agora-discussion <agora-discussion@agoranomic.org> wrote: >A couple years ago Gaelan put a lot of effort into creating Nomaoic, a >secretive backstabby nomic subgame. It died/was won nearly instantly due >to a timing and coordination based attack. I never really felt like it >got a fair shake. So I wanted to try it for this year's Birthday >Tournament. I've tweaked the rules to address all points of attack >identified/used in the previous attempt. A changelog from the original >is below, and the full proposed text is below that. -- juan