Hm, 1200 coins seems like a low price for unspecified (potentially crazy)

But, I'll do it for the informal agreement that you'll vote FOR any
Proposal that is just basically "Madrid Wins" until I actually win with
such a Proposal. We can figure out how to make that work mechanically
whenever is cool with you.

On Mon, Apr 4, 2022 at 4:31 PM ais523 via agora-business <> wrote:

> I create six copies of the following promise, named "Promise me", and
> transfer them to the Library:
> {{{
> Cashing condition: In the message in which e cashes this promise, the
> bearer transfers me a promise with text "For each tabled intent
> specified by the bearer, I object to it, then withdraw my objection and
> support it" and a promise with text "For each tabled intent specified
> by the bearer, I support it, then withdraw my support and object to
> it"; each of those promises was created by the bearer and has no
> cashing conditions; and the bearer does not cash any other promise in
> this message, and has not cashed any other copy of the "Promise me"
> promise.
> I transfer 1200 coins to the bearer.
> }}}
> --
> ais523

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