On 3/15/2022 19:40, Jason Cobb via agora-official wrote:
PROPOSAL 8645 (Some RTRW Clean-Ups) AUTHOR: ATMunn CLASS: DEMOCRATIC FOR (8): Aspen, G., Jason, Madrid!, Murphy, Trigon@, ais523, nix@ AGAINST (1): Secretsnail9 PRESENT (0): BALLOTS: 9 AI (F/A): 20/3 (AI=3.0) POPULARITY: 0.778 OUTCOME: ADOPTED [ Aspen: Jason is the Rulekeepor: Endorsement of Jason ]
From the passing of this proposal, I qualify for a red ribbon. However, only players can award ribbons. If anyone would be so kind as to award me one, it would be greatly appreciated.
-- ATMunn