On Mon, 2022-02-07 at 13:04 -0800, Kerim Aydin via agora-official
> I number the below cfj 3946 and assign it to ais523:
> -------- Forwarded Message --------
> I initiate and submit the following CFJ to the referee, barring secretsnail:
> CFJ:  secretsnail deputized to respond to at least one petition in the
> below message.
> Arguments
> [There's some discussion on discord going on, I'll try to summarize for a
> gratuitious arg or two in a bit].

I missed this discussion (and IIRC it hasn't been posted on the mailing
lists yet?)

I can try to rule without it, but if someone would either summarise it
for me or just post a transcript, I can try to make sure that
everyone's points are addressed in the initial judgement rather than
needing to address concerns later.

Judge, CFJ 3946

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