Title: Deputisation rwrite

Author: Jason

Coauthors: G.

Adoption index: 3.0


Amend Rule 2160 ("Deputisation") by replacing the sole list with the
1. the rules require the holder of that office, by virtue of holding
that office, to perform the action (this requirement is fulfilled by the
deputy performing the action); and, it would be POSSIBLE for the deputy
to perform the action, other than by deputisation, if e held the office;
and, the deputy, when performing the action, announces that e is doing
so by deputisation or by temporary deputisation; and,

2. any of the following are true:
   (A) the office is vacant;
   (B) a time limit by which the rules require the action to be
performed has expired, the office's holder has not changed in the past 7
days, and any of the following are true:
       (i) the deputy announced between two and fourteen days earlier
that e intended to deputise for that office for the purposes of the
particular action;
       (ii) the time limit expired between 14 days ago and 28 days ago;
       (iii) the time limit expired more than 28 days ago and the
deputisation is temporary;

[This simplifies the list significantly, hopefully making it clearer. It
also makes the following substantive changes: allows only temporarily
deputisation (or deputisation with notice) for old duties, and prohibits
deputising for an office whose holder has changed in the past 7 days, to
allow a holder time to catch up when they assume a new office, and to
prevent rapid-fire changes resulting from deputisation fights.]


Jason Cobb

Assessor, Rulekeepor, S​tonemason

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